1700 new U.S. millionaires were created yesterday and 1700 new U.S. millionaires will be created today.
Do you want to be one of them? Do you want me to tell you how? It’s really simple.
As a matter of fact, there is only one thing stopping you right now from making as much money as you want.
But here’s the problem, you were taught as a child to believe that money is scarce and only a certain number of people make millions of dollars.
You were taught that only doctors, lawyers, athletes, singers, and actors make millions of dollars.
If this sounds like you and you’re ready to stop believing the lies you’ve been told as a child about money then keep reading.
In today’s article I’m debunking the number one money myth in the U.S. that’s keeping you stuck and underpaid.
The Number One Money Myth
In order to understand where you are today, you have to take a look at history.
There was a time long ago when humans first inhabited the earth that scarcity existed.
There was a limited amount of food, clothing, transportation, etc. to go around. So it’s understandable how you still believe that resources are limited. Because no one’s taught you otherwise.
However, scarcity in that respect doesn’t exist today. Today you are surrounded by an abundance of food, clothing, transportation, entertainment, etc.
But let me ask you this…
What do you believe about money right now?
Do you believe money is abundant? That it is easy to make?
Do you believe money is fun?
Or are you thinking right now something more along the lines of…
Money is hard to make. I have to work harder than most for my fair share or to make enough money.
Or maybe you’re thinking…
I never have enough money. Only greedy people have money. Money isn’t important.
You may not realize, but the way you think about money is what determines how much money you have.
Read that again…
What you THINK about money determines how much money you have.
Most people believe they are limited in the about of money they can make because of the false believe that money is made over time and effort.
And maybe you believe that too.
But here’s what I’d like to offer. We all have 24 hours in a day. If it is true that money is only earned thought time and effort why are some people rich and some people poor?
We all have the same amount of time and the ability to put in the effort.
Take a look at Oprah Winfrey. She is worth 2.6 billion today. But she didn’t have any more hours in the day than the rest of us. How was she able to make so much money?
You could say that she was just in the right place at the right time or that she knew the right people which some of that may be true.
But the reality is that she created something of value that people wanted. And that’s great news for YOU because YOU can do the same thing!
You have the ability to create value. You have the ability to create value that people want. People have money and will pay for the value you create.
So it makes sense then that value creates money, right?
The more value you create in the world, the more money you can make.
Oh but wait a minute, you say…
…you work for an employer not for yourself so it’s different. You’re questioning how you can make more money when your boss controls how much money you make.
Here’s what I’d like to suggest. Your boss is your customer, and when you spend your time learning what your boss needs and how to best provide it, you are creating value.
When you are a valuable asset to your boss, you get rewarded with more pay. In addition, and more importantly, you are learning transferable skills that make you more valuable to any employer not just the one you are working for today.
See how this value thing works? You learn what your boss needs, you become more valuable to your boss, you learn transferable skills, you become more valuable to other employers too.
In addition, people who overdeliver always reap the reward in the way of their self-esteem, self-confidence and their willingness to receive.
Operating from a scarcity mindset will have you constantly looking over your shoulder always worried and concerned about what you’re not getting.
You get so caught up making sure you’re paid for every single thing you do, you stop creating value.
You’re creativity goes on lockdown when you’re only concerned about punching the clock and doing the minimum amount of work possible to collect a paycheck.
You will never blow your own mind and achieve your wildest dreams when you’re afraid someone else is getting more than you or you’re not getting what you deserve.
More importantly, you limit your ability to make a millions of dollars.
Changing your belief about money makes money so much easier to make. Allow yourself to imagine that time and effort don’t matter when it comes to making money and only the value you create does.
Imagine there isn’t a limit on the amount of money you can make. Imagine creating your wealth by creating value and offering that to the world.
This doesn’t mean you have to come up with the next greatest gadget or product. It only means showing up as the best version of yourself you can be.
It means showing usp and serving the world with the best version of yourself. You will feel amazing and the world will be a better place because of the value you’ve created and shared.
Does this resonate with you but you’re not sure how to apply it to your life? Why not book a FREE coaching call with me?
It’s 100% cost and commitment FREE. You have nothing to lose and your future self to gain.