What if you could instantly become recognised as the leading expert on your topic? What if it was as easy as knowing and living by one single word? Is it even possible to simplify things that much?

Let’s un-complicate everything right now. You can take action to be closer to your goals right this very minute…if you’re knowledgeable and passionate, and work with integrity that is.

Fake it ‘till you make it? This isn’t going to work for you. I’m only speaking to people who DESERVE to become the leading expert in their niche – thanks to their commitment and dedication to excellence.

There’s one word that you can live by, one mind set or state or belief, combined with action, that will CHANGE EVERYTHING.

It will show people that you are the real deal, and it will propel you to incredible new heights. Think of any mega-star, any huge household name in any field, from art to zoology, and this one word is the reason you know their name.

Goddamnit Luana, tell me the word!

The word is IMPACT. The Oxford English Dictionary defines impact as a marked effect or influence. If you create an impact, you are having a marked effect or influence on the world. The more of an impact you create, the more people will stand up and take notice of what you are doing and you’ll notice yourself becoming a magnet for your superstar clients.

How do I create an impact?

There are certain things that everyone from Lady Gaga to Katie Couric have done to raise the trajectory of their career. I spent countless hours studying the actions of these super successful people and found that the following were consistent with every single one.

Here’s why the word IMPACT is so… well, impactful!

I is for INTERNAL. You do the inner work needed for you to progress. Become the person you need to be, to allow yourself to be seen and noticed at a higher level.

M is for MEDIA. Becoming someone that has a huge presence. Working with the media to amplify your presence. Showing up with your powerful message in front of as many people as possible. TV, radio, podcasts, newspapers, magazines, books and of course, social media.

P is for PUBLISH a book. If you want to be seen as an expert, publish a book on your topic. Publishing a book is a game changer, it shows that you know your stuff, and will open many doors to media and speaking engagements.

ACT is for ACT! Develop your acting technique. By acting I do not mean lying, faking it or being insincere.

This is a common misconception that a lot of coaches, gurus and otherwise helpful folk get wrong. Lots of people are scared of using acting techniques, because they think it will make them inauthentic. If you don’t use acting techniques, then you are missing a vital part of this formula, and it won’t work as well.

Because of my background in acting, including owning an acting school, I can tell you straight – acting is not pretending to be someone else. Acting is drawing out the deepest parts of your personality and soul, to benefit you at that given moment.

It doesn’t matter who you are, you can bring your Beyonce into your live streams, your Tris from Divergent when you face opposition, and your Tory Burch into your business planning. You don’t become these characters. The aspects of their personalities that you need are already within you – your next level self.

It’s all there waiting for you to access on demand. So don’t be scared of acting or using acting techniques, as it’s a fundamental and powerful part of the process of creating IMPACT!


  • Luana Ribeira

    Book & Media Coach

    Luana Ribeira (previously named Eirian Cohen) is a book & media coach. After the success of her own bestselling books, she now helps other entrepreneurs to sky rocket their business with a bestselling book, and by helping them get media publicity which elevates them into celebrity status in their niche. Since she became a bestselling author, she has booked a 3 month contract with FOX TV, become one of FORBES top 21 Female Entrepreneurs to Watch in 2018, developed relationships with media outlets including Huffington Post, NBC, ABC, Miami Herald and over 300 more; been booked for speaking gigs internationally and rapidly grown her audience taking her business to new levels. Luana currently resides in rural Portugal where she is setting up a fully sustainable, eco friendly animal sanctuary. She is also a black belt in kickboxing and has 2 homeschooled girls.