A lot of entrepreneurs that have a 6 figure business are doing the same things they did starting out to try to scale.

But it doesn’t work that way.

What I’ve found with the business owners I’ve worked with is this – You need a different strategy and mindset to be able to keep growing. Otherwise, you end up plateauing or shrinking backward.

And I don’t want that to happen to you.

To ensure you continue growing from a place of ease and flow, rather than hustle, stress and overwhelm follow the 10 steps below.

These 10 steps will not only help you grow your business but will help you create more time and freedom to live life and focus on what’s important. So that you can make a bigger impact in the world.

1. Focus – One Main Foundational Program

So many people lack focus. We are creative entrepreneurs after all! Always thinking of new ideas and exciting things to implement.

The thing to realize though is that you don’t have to do it all at once. And when you do try to do this it actually takes longer to reach your goals.

Just over a year ago I decided to focus on one main program. I still had other things running but that was my one main focus. I ended up supporting 50 people through the year in that program and made $250K from that program alone.

When you focus on one main area you give those clients massive value, you avoid burn out for yourself and you get faster results.

2. Focus on Results

When I decided to focus on this program I knew I had to have a tangible result for my clients. The result or outcome of this program was to create a 6 figure business.

Now I didn’t promise they would achieve that in the 10-week course (although some did). But the aim of the course was to give them the strategy, systems, and mindset they needed to create a 6 figure business.

What is the tangible result or outcome of your program?

3. Build a Tribe of Raving Fans

To build a business to $100K you probably have a great group of people who follow you and some people who will do everything that you put out there.

To be able to scale you need to grow this tribe, give them massive value and create an amazing community.

As you grow some clients and followers won’t resonate with you anymore – and that’s ok. Be willing to let go of clients and even friends and family. When you let go you’re able to attract in more of the right people who lift you up, rather than bring you down.

4. Stop Trading Time For Money

This is the biggest one! I see so many people working way too many hours. I used to do this too.

I thought that to be successful I had to work more. That’s what we were told growing up right? And it made sense back then – but things have changed now.

Trading time for money is the sure fire way to hold yourself back and burning yourself out. You can hustle your way to $100K and maybe even a few hundred thousand. But it’s very hard to do as you approach the 7 figures and beyond.

And to be honest is it really success if you’ve created a business that you’re a slave to, rather than one that works for you?

5. Create Structure and Systems

Without structure and systems, everything feels like a bit of a mess. When you put structure in place you’re able to get your clients the best results possible, make the best use of your time and chunk tasks together to be as productive as possible.

When creating systems look at everything you do in a week. Then ask yourself what needs to be done by you, what can be automated, what can be delegated and what can be deleted.
Systems feel like a massive job. So just break it down to one thing at a time and you won’t get overwhelmed.

Since setting up automated workflows and systems myself and my team save at least 10 hours a week.

6. Start Selling Higher End Packages

From January 2016 to February 2016 I went from $10K to $20K in just 1 month. I didn’t launch a new program or work extra hard. I just got out of my own way.

I put up a post at 10pm one night about a VIP Day that I was running. I’d wanted to do one for a while but had been too scared to put it out there. I thought no-one is going to sign up – especially at 10pm!

But I put it up anyway. I had 3 people sign up and pay in full within minutes (total of $3000 cash). I made over $6000 in new sales that month when the previous month I’d only made $2000.

What would you love to do that would get your client’s even faster results and create an amazing experience?

Online Course
High-end Mastermind

Choose one of the above you would love to do, then start talking to your current clients.
Talk to them about where they are currently at, their goals and what they feel they need support with to move forward. Then show them how you can help them move forward.

7. Work on Your Mindset

As you grow your mindset needs to grow with you. The greatest way to do this is to work with a coach to let go of any limiting beliefs holding yourself back. You should also focus on daily meditation, journaling and planning to get yourself into a good state each day.

You don’t just work on your mindset to get started, it’s a long-term process. Every time we step up shit comes up! It’s like peeling another layer of the onion off to go deeper with self-awareness, resilience, and self-belief.

The more you work on yourself the more you will grow.

8. Leveraged Lead Generation

To be completely honest and transparent this is the area I need to work on. And where my main focus is going over the next 6 months. I get a good amount of leads in organically but to take the next step forwards I need a higher number of leads coming through my funnel.

Organic leads are great – but it requires you to do the work. When you have a leveraged funnel you’re able to have a higher flow of consistent quality leads coming through.

9. Hire a Team

I honestly don’t know what I would do without my team (probably get super overwhelmed and cry every day!). I’ve scaled my team from 1 person to 7 in the last year. Which has meant my company has grown whilst I’ve also had more time with my family and to create amazing experiences.

Most people are scared to hire a team. They are scared to give up control. And they worry about the cost.

The thing is – You can only do so much yourself. Look at how much you could pay someone to do a certain role.

Then look at the time that would free up for you. If that time is then spent on things that either produce more money, help more people or are in your zone of genius then it is worth it.

Don’t hold yourself back doing the things that someone else could do better or more efficiently and that you don’t love.

10. Build Wealth Instead of Lifestyle

When I started making $10K-$20K a month consistently I went a bit crazy with my lifestyle. I hired a personal chef, had 2 Personal Training sessions a week, 2 massages a week, would eat out all the time, moved to a massive house and stay in expensive places.

One day I was sad and bought myself an $800 dress, that I’ve only worn twice.

It was fun for a while but I realized that life isn’t about spending. It’s about creating long-term wealth, helping more people and making a bigger impact in the world.

Make smart choices with your money. Invest back into the business. Give to others in need. And build your long-term wealth.

Which numbers from the list above do you need to focus on from the list above to scale to multi 6 figures and beyond this year?