With the intrusion of technology and an uncertain job market, it’s getting harder and harder to separate work and everyday life these days. Finding the right work-life balance isn’t easy. You can’t up and quit your job or even quickly find a new one if your current position is already taking over your personal life, but there are ways to gain control for a better work-life harmony. Here are some of the most common work-life problems with simple strategies for tackling each of them.


You're Not Getting Enough Exercise

Many of us sit too long at a desk all day, which can be extremely detrimental to our health, and standing desks might not live up to the hype. Even hitting the gym for an hour in the evening isn’t enough to prevent chronic pain and disease down the road. Our health can fall to the wayside if we’re tied to our desks and not moving enough.


Taking charge of your health and exercise routine. Work in short breaks throughout the day; visit a colleague on a different floor; or take a stroll around the block during your lunch hour. If possible, utilize the gym in your company’s building, or join a gym located on your route home from work to ensure you’ll end up on the treadmill and not on the couch. Aim for 10,000 steps per day (a fitness tracker can help), and the activity will result in a more active, healthy lifestyle.


You're Losing Sleep

When we’re up late on our devices and sending emails long into the night, we’re not leaving time to recharge our own batteries. It’s hard to unwind when we’re basically at the office while in bed. Unfortunately, we can’t recoup that lost sleep over the weekend; our bodies (and job performance) depend on a consistent sleep schedule to function properly… Keep Reading >>>

Health, Work-life balance, Self-improvement, Health care, Management, Leadership, Bussines, Health, Work-life balance, Self-improvement, Health care, Management, Leadership, Bussines, Health, Work-life balance, Self-improvement, Health care, Management, Leadership, Bussines,