Ever wondered what it takes to be successful in life? How many books are there in the world that give us pieces of advice and strategies on how to achieve what is it that we want to accomplish in life? How many podcasts do we listen to on the daily that reinforces the importance of goal setting? How many youtube subscriptions are we hooked on that guide us into becoming the best version of ourselves? How many articles are there on the internet that discuss this particular subject?

You see, it can become quite easy to try to learn and retain as much information as the human brain can, from all these sources, and then never apply anything in our daily lives. In fact, we end up doing the complete opposite and forget to ”take action” on the habits that we supposedly try to implement by consuming all this knowledge from all these different sources.

Fortunately, there is hope.

When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you acheive it. – Paulo Coelho.

This quote comes directly from one of my favorite books of all time; The Alchemist. It regroups the seven pillars of success, in one sentence. Every situation that someone encounters in life, allows that individual to grow and molds him or her for a greater good.

While there is always room for growth in our journey, many elements must come together in a specific way, to mold someone so that he or she can face all the setbacks and challenges that life blesses us. In fact, these elements are known as the seven pillars and need to work in tandem for someone to succeed in a big way.

Let’s break them down now:

  1. Patience. With the social, technological and external pressure that we face in today’s society, everything pushes everyone to rapidity, spontaneity, and immediacy. While there is nothing wrong with this, patience is a skill that tends to be overlooked and is considered as old-fashioned and traditional. You do not necessarily need to wait to take action but recognize that slow and steady always wins the race. You are only competing with yourself. Therefore, patience should be more seen as a positive cognitive state of mind that should act as a solid foundation in your life.
  2. Hustle. Talent is not enough; you absolutely need to put in the work. It is that simple. Make every minute of your day count. It is a prerequisite for success no matter how you slice it and it cannot be substituted with anything in this world. Forget about the instant gratification and work your face off every day. We live in a time where execution should be the antidote to any fear might pass through your mind. Know that your efforts need to be compensated with a high return on investment.
  3. Focus. This should not be a surprise to anyone. Always be completing the task at hand without losing the attention and the effort in the process. Sustaining this thinking skill throughout an extended period will surely be beneficial. You need to always prepare your brain to act as a muscle and to continue prioritizing high-value activities.
  4. Persistence. In the face of adversity, what really separates the true champions is undoubtedly the willingness to persist and not quit. Know what you want, make up your mind that you want it and pursue it relentlessly until you get it. There are no shortcuts if you are going to accomplish great things with the utmost integrity. It is a measure of success that can truly define you as a human being on the road of reaching your potential.
  5. Grind. This needs to be raw, intentional and explicit. Take necessary steps to grow and to master your craft. It takes sincere belief, commitment and a tremendous amount of grind to stay motivated and achieve what it is that you want to achieve. If you decide to not give up, even in the face of unexpected detours or losses, you will find the light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. Sacrifice. It takes great discipline to be master self-control and resist the urges of bad habits. Conventional wisdom tells us to fulfill our immediate desires immediately so that we can feel good about ourselves. Instant gratification is not the way to real success. Instead, try to always make conscious decisions that can have a positive impact in the long run.
  7. Ambition. Purpose, vision, milestones and core values. These four traits need to come from your gut. Learning new things are the billows that stoke the fires of ambition. Embrace challenges and be determined to succeed. You need to have a gleam in your eye as you move forward towards the destination you want to reach. Be vibrant and have a contagious enthusiasm to accomplish things.

Here you go, hope this article provided great content and value.

Thank you for reading,