The abundant woman is fearless, unshakable, empowered and relentless on her path towards being her very best self. She is full of love, light and immeasurable gifts that this world needs. She is not without flaws and owns her mistakes for what they are. She is abundant at work, at home, and within her own self. Abundance means so much more to her than wealth. It means loving herself, forgiving herself, and knowing her life and voice matters. It means realizing her self-worth and never settling for second best. In her world, her happiness and self-contentment is worth it’s weight in gold.
Abundance lives in all of us. It is in every woman whether she realizes it or not. She thrives and prospers in spaces where her talents are valued and celebrated. She doesn’t measure herself by the times she has fallen, but by all the times she has picked herself up and moved forward. She doesn’t label herself as a victim, but as a warrior. Her tenacity and forbearance are contagious. She is a listener, a giver, a nurturer and a remarkable human being. She is unique, blessed, and grateful for all that she has and all that her future has in store. Her life is full of experiences that have shaped her into the powerful woman that she is today. She doesn’t compare herself to others; rather she believes in who and what she is as a one of a kind being. She is a trailblazer and trend setter. She is courageous and authentic in her own right. She supports other women because she knows we are stronger together than apart.
I am an abundant woman and so are you. We are enough. In fact, we are more than enough. Together, we can and we will change the narrative of our lives!