that shows me how much i have changed
as my thoughts on the military.
in the early 70’s
at the height of the anti-war movement
i protested in the streets
and treated those who served our country by going to war
with disdain and disrespect.
it was a war i didn’t believe in
and my immaturity
and being in the “make love, not war” movement
never allowed me to see
that i was not doing what i believed
to the very ones who were putting their life at sacrifice
so that i could have my dream.
to this day, i do not in general believe
that war is ever the way to resolve conflict
but what has changed completely in me
is the respect and admiration i have for those warriors
who put their lives on the line and have given their lives
so that i and many others like me can live with the freedom
to believe what i believe and protest what i do not believe in.
as i look out my window at the world we live in
i see a lot of things i do not like
i see so many more things that i love.
to those who have died and those who were injured
to those who selflessness gave of themselves
many of whom have returned to a world
they no longer know how to live in
to those who are not homeless or have PTS
to those who are disrespected
and whose service has been forgotten.
i/we remember you
we give honour to you as you gave honor to us and our country
and as long as one of us remembers
you will never be forgotten.
for all that you have given
for opening my heart so i could change my perspective
you are our heroes!