It has come a long way from the figure of the locksmith that has always existed, who worked alone or in partnership with some other locksmith, to the most modern service management companies.
Locksmiths are those lifelong professionals who fulfill the primary function of giving us back access to our home when we have lost or forgotten the key, or in extreme cases when we have been robbed. Expert locksmiths can also open not only the main entrance door of our houses, but also change the locks, open safes, change security locks and electronic locks, and other tasks that we usually do not think they can perform, such as the to install different automation on doors and shutters, install or repair metal shutters and place armored doors.
In short, they take care of all those that refer to our safety and well-being both at home and in our office.
It has come a long way from the figure of the locksmith that has always existed, who worked alone or in partnership with some other locksmith, to the most modern service management companies. Needs change according to changes in societies and technological advances have required that this profession and the management of its services also be updated.
It is very important in all cases and of course in the case of the locksmith service, to be able to count on true professionals, such as the professional locksmiths. We speak here of authentic experts who not only know their trade by heart like any good craftsman who he works with metals, but with highly specialized technicians. Let’s not forget that locksmiths have been a distinguished and privileged class throughout the history of mankind, and they have amazed pharaohs to kings by building, repairing and opening all kinds of security systems.
Good professionals and serious companies also usually provide practical and simple solutions for the basic maintenance of all types of locks, in addition to having an urgent locksmith service that will solve the problem on more than one occasion. And you can also contact 24 hours urgently, because emergencies do not choose the date and time.
It is true that modern locks have changed a lot from the ones they used in the past. It has come a long way from the first locks that, like the Egyptian ones, were made of wood; Roman ones were already made of metal, and evolution led to the creation of the key and latches, up to the most modern security light bulb with a single key, and the most recent creations such as access control systems with biometric locks.
Locks usually use a type of mechanical cylinder system, which are those that allow the bolt to lock or release the door according to a precise combination of teeth on a key. But there are also more sophisticated locks, which work through electronic configurations or with chips, to reinforce security. The best known electric locks are the Samsung, Dorma, Remock lockey and Cisa, all highly recommended to ensure greater security. These locks are also easy to maintain.
What are the most frequent cases in which we may need a locksmith? Among the most common cases are everything that has to do with the opening of doors and specialized closing locks, training of locks and automation for doors and windows, replacement of automatic springs in doors and windows, and repair and installation of locks
What should we do if we find our door locks forced, or the blinds raised or the windows broken? Well, the first thing will of course be to call the police and then go to the locksmith. Here you have to be very careful not to damage the original door or lock, as it is not necessary to change everything but only the combination or, in the case of windows, repair the shutter automatisms or replace metal pins and closures.
Also a locksmith can be very useful when having to open or repair safes, armored and armored doors and metal doors, such as those used in many stores.