In today’s fast-paced business world, a leader’s role in the long-term success of a business has only become increasingly important in recent years. Not only are leaders responsible for helping a business grow, but they are also in charge of looking over their employees. In order to be the best leader possible, it is important to continue learning about how to succeed in the role. Leaders who are looking to learn more about how to succeed in their role should consider reading some of these great books on leadership.
Developing The Leader Within 2.0, John C. Maxwell
Originally written in 1992, well-known author John C. Maxwell recently released Developing The Leader Within 2.0. The popular leadership book takes a deeper look into what leadership is and why it is a crucial factor that contributes to a company’s long-term success. The text examines the five levels of leadership that are commonly seen in today’s business world and how they impact a company. Both new and experienced leaders will find the lessons in the book to be relevant to the work they are doing today.
On Becoming A Leader, Warren Bennis
Known as another staple resource for leaders, On Becoming A Leader by Warren Bennis has remained a popular text. Using the premise that leaders are not born, but made, Bennis examines the different “hows” of leadership. He talks about how great leaders are made, how they lead their team, how they remain informed, and more. On Becoming A Leader continues to be known as one of the most popular books on leadership.
The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey
Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is another well-known book that looks into the habits of leaders and highly effective people. Using evidence from previous leadership studies, the book explains the seven effective habits for success and how others can work on mastering these habits. The text also uses a number of great examples of how leaders worked on mastering different habits as well.
While these are some of the most well-known leadership books, there are countless other options for both new and experienced leaders to choose from.