The corona pandemic has changed our everyday routines for the worse than none of us dreamed of ever. Many people are still working from their homes amid the pandemic to reduce exposure to the deadly infection. Staying at home has its flipsides like the temptation to savor junk food, meals high in sodium, and unhealthy processed foods for instant fulfillment. You can eat nutrient-packed meals that also taste great. Then, snacking on fast food is a challenge when self-isolation and social distancing are the new normal.
According to an article published in Huffington Post, you can create a list of some activities to make you feel invigorating amid the epidemic. Here are some lifestyle tips to help you stay well and healthy during the COVID-19 crisis:
Robert Trosten on healthy food and nutrition
You need to become self-disciplined during the corona crisis and avoid impulse or emotional eating. It is natural to feel stressed when confined within the four walls of your home amid several months of lockdown across the country. Then, that does not mean you eat fried, junk food just to kill boredom at home.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends eating dark whole foods including leafy greens, tomatoes, oranges, as well as, fresh herbs packed with fiber, minerals, and vitamins. You need to eat foods that are more nutritious to stay healthy instead of lip-smacking fast food, fries, and sodium-rich edibles.
Sleep sound during the night
Sound sleep is extremely essential for your overall health and wellness, believes Robert Trosten. Based on the findings of the National Institutes for Health (NIH), the activation of the immune system changes sleep patterns, which consequently affects the inherent, adaptive arm partof the body’s defense mechanism. That is why you need to sleep for eight hours at least, for improved health and best performance to stay fit during times of social distancing and isolation.
Exercise is the best way to stay active and fit
Even when you cannot sweat out at the gym, there are plenty of safe options to work out from the comfort of your home. Taking a walk in the morning, jogging, cycling, and even walking your dog will help you stay active and fit amid the pandemic. Then, avoid crowded places if you choose to walk or cycle. You can do these activities in your block, a nearby park, if not crowded.
At home, you can try push-ups, freehand exercises, jumping jacks, sit-ups, and more. If you have a home gym or a treadmill, you can sweat it out from the comfort of your home without the need to go out.
Talk with your family and friends
Even when you are working from home, have conversations with your family and friends to reduce anxiety, loneliness, stress, or when you feel left out. If your loved ones are staying away, you can have video calls and interact with them.
Keep these tips in mind to stay healthy and fit amid the corona epidemic. It is the best time to eat healthy, exercise, and stay connected with your loved ones for companionship, friendship, and camaraderie.