We live and work in a gig economy where the pace of life seems to be moving at warp speed. The days of the week fly by and quite often we are shocked to see the end to another month in the calendar year.
How do you find time for rest and relaxation?
Do you have a zen place? Somewhere to escape where you meditate, daydream or just simply “be”.
I recently asked my clients: How many hours per week do you spend recharging your personal batteries?
The silence was deafening and shocking at the same time.
I could sense that they were pulling out their day timers to count the hours in the week where they had scheduled “play”. Non-work activities that contribute to health and wellbeing. The number of hours we dedicate to self care and recharging our personal batteries.
For most, there were very few hours to count and it started a new conversation about not only how we define R&R but the activities that fit the description.
Going to the gym was at the top of the list with many dedicating time to some form of exercise. Recreational team sports as well as jogging, cycling and walking where included for personal time. All great options that include a commitment to health and wellness.
But…What about quiet time? Mindset?
When we were children, an afternoon nap was incorporated into our daily routine. For those who didn’t sleep, perhaps you read a book, coloured or listened to music.
These activities encouraged relaxation, a time when we were silent, to just “be.” A place where we had nothing to do but relax and enjoy the moment. A time to encourage creativity and imagination.
The discussions around “nap time” started a whole new conversation…everyone remembered how they looked forward to taking a break in the afternoon. The adult equivalent was soon labeled as “zen time” and how we need to reintroduce the whole concept of “quiet time” into our daily routine.
Just think of how productive we would become if we knew that each and every day we had permission to enjoy silence. Guilt free with no judgement or interruptions.
Encouraging zen moments puts a little perspective on our personal definition for time and defines rest and relaxation.
I was pleasantly surprised to see how many people were going to commit to blocking off the calendar each day giving themselves permission to enjoy quiet time.
Crickets…(silence) Rest, relax and unwind.
It will be interesting to see if this exercise leads to finding your zen place and enjoying the great escape.
Trish Tonaj is a Master Coach Practitioner, and Certified Coach Trainer offering keynotes and workshops on Mentorship…breaking barriers, starting new conversations and creating a new definition for success.