Change and transformation is tricky business. We welcome and appreciate positive change especially if we initiate and control the events where change occurs.
Just think for a minute about your own experience:
When was the last time you found yourself taking a whole new direction on your journey?
I often hear folks say that professional change is much easier than in our personal life, because that usually involves a number of complex emotions. We are invested in a certain image and lifestyle based on our personal choices. No-one wants to change, unless it is for the better.
If professional change is considered “easier” then:
Why are we often so frustrated at work?
When speaking with entrepreneurs, I have noticed that many move from a career or a job that they simply no longer enjoy. Most often, it has taken a number of years before taking the leap of faith into owning your own company. Everyone is very realistic when approaching the risk and reward that comes along with a pay check that is dependant on “sales” and “individual performance.” There is research to support that we learn skills in a J.O.B. before making the transition into self employment.
A very wise strategy!
Here are a few things to consider before you open the doors to your new business:
1) Business Plan: a critical component to any successful business
is a plan that takes into consideration all of the elements for success based on current information. This plan should be a working document – fluid and adaptable. A roadmap to both short and long term goals.
2) Mentor: someone who will provide you with a little guidance based on experience is a great resource. I have often found the most successful entrepreneurs are those who have established a relationship with a “trusted” advisor.
3) Reserve Fund: a reserve fund that will pay monthly expenses for at least 4-6 months provides a little flexibility and wiggle room to get you started. It helps builds confidence.
4) Support Network: everyone needs to have a solid base of support – people who are available when you need a “pick me up” or to share good news
In the book, Breaking Barriers 10 Entrepreneurial Woman Share Their Stories we list 100 questions you may consider as part of your personal checklist.
I have had the opportunity to interview many entrepreneurs. A wide range of experiences from a part-time “side hustle” to full-time
“all-in” venture.
We feel exhilarated by the opportunity to be in control of our future. The experience builds resilience, opens the doors to creativity and builds a platform for healthy lifestyle choices.
If you have a great idea, you need to take the concept to market before you are “in business.”
A metamorphosis will occur as you take your plan from a thought to action. There are many stages in the development of your idea and along the way you will see it become transformed from your imagination into reality.
Spread your wings into entrepreneurship…you may find the transformation is an important part of your life’s journey.