Hello Family, it is time for a progress check. So much has happened. Let’s get started!!!
ACCESS: I know I mentioned my ACCESS Learning Preference Questionnaire App is live on Google Play, but did I mention that it was rejected by Apple iTunes? Yep rejected. I filed an appeal and it was rejected as well. I just finished working with my team on redesigning the app; hopefully the newer version will meet the required standards for approval.
In addition, it is time to increase my advertising efforts. My new advertising campaign focuses on promoting all aspects of ACCESS: writing, speaking, consulting, coaching and book tours. I am looking to add 12 more consulting clients this year, secure 2 more speaking engagements per month, sell an additional 100 books per month and submit a minimum of two articles per day to an online publication. Wish me well…
Family: I found another strategy to employ for family time, reading. I typically purchase two copies of every book I buy for the girls, but now I buy three. We get to read together. The girls love for me to read to them and now they are old enough to read to me. This has been tremendous because we have an opportunity to discuss the novels as well.
My husband is also being more purposeful when spending time with the girls. This weekend was daddy day. My husband and a few of his friends decided to schedule a play day with the men and all of the children. They watched movies, played games and ate junk food. It was fabulous. Some of the girls want to have a sleep over next time. So far, so good…
Fitness: I was a basketball coach in my previous life and I still have this hideous green sweat suit from 10 years ago to prove it. My husband calls it the green monster. Yes, it is that bad, but it keeps me warm. The Northeast is quite chilly and I prefer outdoor activities these days, so you may catch me jogging around town in the green monster. I am patiently awaiting spring’s arrival…
Nutrition: My eating has been pretty good; of course I can do better. I learned something about myself. I go through periods where I am not interested in eating certain foods. For example, I may like zucchini in September, but I may detest it in January. I am learning to gauge me feelings and physical / emotional needs when grocery shopping. I like most fruits and vegetable but I have to be aware when my mood towards particular foods differ. You live and you learn…
Faith: Prayer and mediation is most import for me to remain in balance. I can choose to be ticked off by something everyday or I can choose peace. I choose peace, not because it is the trendy thing to do, but because I was hospitalized for stress in the past. Above all else; peace and joy.
Financial: Saving is going great but looks like we are moving before summer. We put an offer on a house and the off was accepted. I’ll let you know how it all goes. Life is grand.
What I’ve learned: Transparency is key. I hope my willingness to share will help you on your journey.
Dr. Shanelle R. Benson Reid, President and CEO of ACCESS Global, LLC. is a Consultant, Coach, Author and Professional Speaker. Her expertise is in Education, Cultural Competency, Social Awareness, Entrepreneurship and Community / Individual Empowerment.
Feel free to connect. I love feedback.
Website: www.access-learning.net
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ACCESSCandC/
Linked In: www.linkedin.com/in/ACCESSLearning
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9EUVvfBV829F4t7sofYKGQ
Scheduling: calendly.com/accessglobal
Phone: 800.803.2095
Originally published at medium.com