There are a lot of details involved when you physically move from one town/state/country to another. In my case, to a new town, and one of the first things to do is change your mailing address. Usually that can be done online, however, in some cases, like with a driver’s license, they may ask you to come to the DMV for a new one. That was the case for me, even though I had changed it two years ago. Though most DMV buildings are crowded and with long lines, I had not found that to be the case the first time I went to the one in my new hometown. There were no lines and I was in and out within a half hour. With that experience in mind, I was sure it would be a quick visit.

A friend came with me and while she parked the car, I went inside to register my place in case there was a line. To my surprise, there were several long lines and almost every seat in this huge place had a person sitting in it! I looked up at the clock and saw that it was 10:30am. As I moved into the Information Line, I was told to take a seat on the other side of the room and take a number from the clerk there.

My number was 201, and as I sat down, a woman crossed in front of me and sat down in the next chair. I heard the clerk call the next number: “155!”

I watched the woman beside me look down at her ticket. She had 202. “Oh my God, I will never get out of here. This is terrible! They are only on 155!”

She was so loud that the thirty people sitting in our section started to become disgruntled and began making rumblings of their own. All I could think of at that moment was The Law of Attraction. If I didn’t do something to encourage positive energy, this was going to get ugly, and the LOA had never let me down. Besides, it helped that I was wearing a t-shirt that said “Positive Energy Rules.” It spurred me on, and broke me from my personal reverie.

“It’s not as bad as you think, “ I said to the woman. “In fact, if you keep fretting about how slow it’s going, or how many people are ahead of you, it will only bring you more of the same.” I said tactfully “The Law of Attraction should be about what you want to receive, not what you don’t want.”

She smiled. “Hey that’s fascinating, but does it work? The next number is only going to be still in the 150s…”

“It works.” I smiled back. “And I think they made a mistake and we are really in the 170s…maybe around…176”

“From your mouth to God’s ears,” she said, and then returned to her phone.

“176!” called the Clerk, and the girl looked up at me.

“How did you do that?”

“Positive Energy. So unless you want to be here all day, just keep cheering on the numbers and it will move fast. But if you keep complaining you will be here all day.”

That’s when she asked me what I did for a living and I handed her my card. Without a pause several people in the row in front of us and the two rows behind asked for a card too! And they apologized for eavesdropping. However, within a few moments the entire section was working on positive energy and cheers went up with each fast-moving number from the group I was sitting with. The clerk peered her head around to look at us from the cubicle and shook her head.

So we moved along like that for a while and when it was getting close to my turn, three people let me get in line in front of them, and that was a great thank you!

The next time you are feeling upset or impatient, do yourself a favor and force yourself to see the positive in the situation. Positive energy really does rule, and will work with the Law of Attraction when you actually use it!

Originally published at


  • Linda Lauren

    4th Generation Psychic Medium

    Linda Lauren Embracing The Universe

    Linda Lauren is a 4th Generation Psychic Medium. She is the creator of The Vibe™ Room Energy Clearing Spray and author of the memoir, Medium Rare. She connects with people who come to her for guidance through the color and energy she senses around them. Linda, also known as the “Travel Psychic ™ uses that energy to guide her clients with their travel plans. As a female entrepreneur, Linda has navigated the spiritual space with a mix of her own products to help with meditation and to keep positive energy flowing around you. Linda also specializes in color and energy readings and corporate consulting workshops. She has been published in Huffington Post and is a contributor to Thrive Global and Linda has been in Fast Company, The NY Times, CNN Travel, Huffington Post Live, Buzzfeed, Bustle, Martha Stewart Weddings,, Today and on Sirius XM.