Nothing worthwhile happens in a jiffy. At the same time, it doesn’t need to take ages to make it happen as well.
Anything and everything that you want to do, be it to excel in a class, lose weight or build a ripped body, land that promotion or build your own business, all of this needs planning and effort on your part to make it happen. Whether you realize it or not, there is a certain level of planning that goes into architecting your life and everything you want to do with it. It’s when this planning is poor or not in complete recognition of factors affecting you and what you seek to do, that efforts fail. But worse than that, is not making an effort at all. You could do all the planning in the world and still not move an inch on executing your plan. Do not wonder when you hardly see any results. You could be most efficient up there in your head, but if that efficiency and execution do not hit the ground in real life, you will be exactly where you are, building large castles in your head.
The power of vision and planning is immense. But the best of plans are laid to waste due to a paucity of will to execute on them. More than the whole exercise of execution that might seem like a lofty task right at the beginning, let me say, that the conviction to start is important. You have the vision of what could be and a solid plan to back it up to show that yes, if executed this can mean an immense change for you and those around you in real life. However, envisioning the expanse of the execution and unforeseen challenges that you might come across overwhelm you. That is where you need to reign in the horses of your ever-wandering mind which starts to create this maze of “if, thens and buts” that tend to hamper your enthusiasm before you even begin. Human mind has a way of controlling you and sometimes, you have to know when to control your mind.
More important is to know that you just need to start and take it, one day at a time. You still need to have your clarity of vision but plan to execute, more for the mid to short term. Most important, go with the flow and start on it. Every small step counts; every daily challenge overcome is triumph. Soon, when you look back at the journey you took, there are miles of steps taken, dozens of challenges overcome and your vision unfolding in real life, right in front of you.
Never let go of your dreams! Never let them be just dreams!
Dreams do come true, only if you come through for them!
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