Water is one of the essential pillars of life. It is our most precious resource. Without it, no living creature can survive. It is also key to maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle, from bathing to drinking even swimming in it, having clean, clear water is an investment for you and your family.

Most of the tap water comes from the city’s municipal plants. This water is treated and generally safe to drink straight from the tap. The main problem with water of this type is its hardness. Water is classified as “hard” if it has a significant amount of either calcium or magnesium or both. The amount of these minerals in the water is enough to cause a nuisance. If you have hard water, you can see evidence of this by looking at your pots and pans. When the water is boiled and you notice a ring of white powdery substance, where the water has evaporated, this is the calcium that is left behind. You can also notice stains and stains on your hard water dishes and glassware when using the dishwasher. Soap scum in your sinks and bathtubs may also be present. With hard water your soap doesn’t lather well and your hair feels crisp and dry when you wash it. Hard water can also corrode pipes reducing water pressure and causing more headaches and wasted money trying to correct the problem. Your clothing can also be affected. Hard water stains can cause rust stains on clothing. If left untreated, hard water can do a lot of damage to your home, costing you more money in the long run.

To counteract the effects of hard water a water softener system is used to remove calcium and magnesium. There are many water softener on the market to suit a variety of water application needs. From residential to commercial to industrial applications, water softener come in a range of capacities and sizes. water – softener – system – stainless

For commercial and industrial applications, water softener serve to protect reverse osmosis systems, specifically the inner membranes. Hard water is not kind to a semi-permeable water treatment membrane. Calcium and magnesium mineral deposits in water can build up on the membrane causing scale. This in turn decreases the flow of water through the membranes slowing down productivity. Using a water softener before the reverse osmosis system allows deposits or hardness of calcium and magnesium to be removed so that the water does not clog the system. This step is crucial in the reverse osmosis process.

The way most water softener work is that they use ion exchange to remove calcium and magnesium from hard water. The resin media coated with sodium ions is used to exchange with the calcium and magnesium in the water. The minerals are extracted and the sodium ions remain in place. This softens the water, making it friendlier to use and easier on your appliances and pipes. If you already have a water softener, then you know the benefits of soft water. It is healthy to drink and the clothes come out softer. When you wash your hair, it feels silkier and smoother. Soap lather better and hard water stains are a thing of the past. No more sinks and wash tubs or pots and pans. Your glasses will have their shine again without the annoying water stains.
