It is easier than you think – finding a solution to a problem, making a difficult decision, settling an unsettling situation, resolving a difficult task…whatever it is.
The opportunities for finding the answer are always there, as long as you know how to manage your mind and direct your thoughts to finding the best possible outcome.
When we see those that embrace success as a birthright and can turn coal into a diamond, we often say that they were ‘lucky’. But it is not only, and by far not always, a stroke of mere luck.
For those who mastered the art of operating their minds, success is a deep-set expectation that they will for sure resolve the quest and reap a positive result no matter what.
Although, I do credit a bit of luck with bringing me to where I am today; I was quite lucky to come across it years ago in my NLP training – the it being what I like to call, the F-Factor.
Finders Keepers, Sharers Reapers
Early on in my discovery of NLP technology, I met others like myself who were exploring the idea of how mindset, words, thoughts put into action, repeated over and over, were reaping extraordinary results in their lives. Whatever roadblocks were presented to them, whatever opportunities came their way, they magnified into a positive outcome. They weren’t shy or greedy about hoarding their strategies to themselves, they shared with each other and me. Their reward was seeing their success strategies amplified within and through others.
I employed NLP techniques and over the year, formulated some of my own, based on my personal insights and learnings over several years of concentrated study, practice, and understanding. I want to share these with you. The formula for formulating a positive outcome to any situation, the F-Factor.
A tiny bit of theory.
You may recall many times when you’ve forgotten the title of a book or the name of its author, the name of a street, a colleague’s name, a piece of important information, and set about concentrating for a moment to remember it. Sometimes, the answer would come to you right away, but more often, you would go about doing or thinking about something else, and while distracted in another task or conversation, it would suddenly come to you – that name, the title of a book, that item on your mental to-do list;
it would come back to you and you’d happily proclaim, “I remember it now!”
This is a perfect example of how our mind works. We set the mind on a task, and it starts working on it – incubating, calculating, processing – until the thought is retrieved, the task we are thinking through has a viable solution, the answer has been found.
When you have an intention, an intention to find an answer, solution, invention, you place your energy to this intention, and the energy concentrates the focus of your attention and works as a beacon, which starts searching until it finds the answer. Even when your attention is elsewhere, our brain charged with a task is working in the background, until the solution is found.
It’s like setting your focus on autopilot while you carry on other tasks: set the destination and the brain starts the journey towards the goal.
Even without a roadmap, this is how our mind plots our destination to answers, solutions, resolutions, and yes, victories.
Take the tool, give an assignment and start acting.
First Stop: Mindset
A very important part of the F-Factor is to be on good terms with the situation. To treat it as wholly possible, solvable, even when you do not have a solution yet.
As long as you have confidence in your brain, and the knowledge of how to operate it, believe that the answer, decision, the direction will come.
How you react, how you choose to focus your energy and your attention, will dictate how you find a solution.
And this is where the F-Factor comes into play.
The F-Factor
is a combination of mindsets that you can employ to help you manage your mind so that it can focus its energy on finding best outcomes, answers, solutions – be it creativity, inventiveness, ingenuity, intention, growth, positivity, and on and on.
The Road to Success
There are four things you need to know, practice and do to enact the F-Factor:
Friends – Do not resist the situation. Befriend your situation, task, assignment, etc. Trust that it is solvable and that a solution is on the way.
Mantra: “I do not resist…
Flow – Get your energy in the flow of solution generating. Being in the flow doubles your resourceful state. You are in the flow. You are confident and composed.
Mantra: “The energy is floating. All is good. I am on an optimal path!”
Focus – Actively focus on the best outcome, knowing that it is there, you just need to locate it.
Mantra: ‘My attention is focused on finding a solution. I send a ray of light in search of a solution. My brain will remain on task seeking a solution/answer, even while I shift my attention to something else’.
Fierce to Find – Be fierce in your resolve that you will find a solution. No maybes, might-be’s or if onlys. Don’t give qualifiers only absolutes.
Mantra: “My attention is on my intention. I trust my brain, my intention to find a solution is firm and fierce. My brain is set on autopilot. ”
The Destination becomes a Journey
NLP techniques are powerful and effective. They change how we perceive and experience the world, how we use the words, frame our intentions and how we operate.
It takes a short time to install F-Factor into our brain and thus transform our brain to be an instrument, always ready to help you handle situations and manage the outcomes – internally and externally.
Play To WIN!
We are met with challenges and opportunities on a daily basis – business, expansion, creativity, interpersonal relations, growth, community, new untamed times – whatever it is, start practicing F-Factor!
Be playful with your mind, teach it, challenge it to rethink how it thinks or reacts to situations, and over time, with practice, you will install F-Factor to your mind and embed it into your mindset.
That which we are seeking is seeking us.
This is your opportunity to learn and master the F-Factor. Lucky you!