I have a secret.

The thought of what I’m about to share with you is bringing with it a surge of emotion as I type these words…tears.

Not tears of sadness. Tears of compassion and wanting to give big hugs to the person I was and tears of gratitude giving a big high five to the person I AM.

You may or may not judge me.

It’s okay with me either way.

But I must share this with you.

I used to live in a MASSIVE debilitating state of fear.

FEAR of being abandoned

FEAR of ridicule because I felt different

FEAR of not being good enough

FEAR of what other people thought about me

These fears RULED my life up until recent years.

I was ashamed of many of the decisions I had made for my life and much of it I didn’t even share with my closest loved ones.

What it would take most of my life to realize is that what I thought made me weaker ACTUALLY made me STRONGER.

→Feeling worthless and abandoned by my Mom at the age of 14 which led to an attempted suicide and recovery in a children’s mental health facility.

→Leaving home for good at the age of 16 because the thought of surviving on my own was better than the alternative of staying in an abusive and dysfunctional home environment.

→Making the decision to prioritize working full time over finishing high school.

→Feeling scared shitless, and quite frankly terrified at the thought of leaving a six-figure job and a career I’d built for 23 years to start a business. Wondering am I good enough to do anything else?

→Hiding my intuitive gifts for most of my life out of fear that others would think I’m crazy because of my Mother’s schizophrenia diagnosis.

What I learned is that none of these experiences were anything to be ashamed of but in fact something to celebrate.

Because these experiences and every other moment of my life have served a purpose in making me stronger AND uniquely equipped to help those I’m meant to serve.

To help others believe in themselves, to take a leap of faith and to KNOW that anything is possible.

See, our life is our message. Our life IS our purpose.

We all have a fear of being seen, but this not a weakness.

Showing up as your authentic self, VULNERABLE and REAL is a source of strength.

For you AND for others to demonstrate that anything is possible.

Use your wisdom to drive you forward instead of hold you back.

Be proud of who you are in all of your imperfection. It has shaped you into the amazing person you are today.

You are loved.

Allow yourself to be seen.

Understanding this and being able to apply it in your own life can feel easier said than done and receiving a deeper level of support and accountability can help you move forward. If this is you, connect with me here for a free clarity session to learn more.

You don’t have to know how to move forward, just trust that YOU CAN.

Originally published at www.linkedin.com