The first flight of the poetess in me was a vigorous stretch, the most beautiful display of passion in my life I wouldn’t trade for anything in the whole wide world. It took great sacrifices, much courage, and a whole lot of guts to leap into the unknown meanwhile leaning on great passion and hope. I felt extremely set on fire to get my work published and was not going to settle until I saw my dream realized. Why? Because I believe that dreams can be attained via hard work, perseverance, and great passion. Moreover, because I deeply believe that it is never too late to follow the calling of one’s heart, that brightly shining spark within that gives our lives the greatest sense of meaning and purpose, in my case to who I am as a writer and artist. My first published book
“A Poetess’ First Flight” represents my first takeoff from the enclosed cocoon stage to the wings-stretched-out in flight phase; the most meaningful transformation I have undertaken in my life all because of a DECISION.poem by
Carmen A. Cisnadean
Easing the final landing
Epilogue, the fly system unveiling
The heart’s lyrical unearthing
Voice of the poetess
Diamond sprinkled resounding
End of the first, poetic flight.
Dreams draped in lyrical eyeful,
The written outburst
Stars swept in splendor
Resting in my palm
Priceless memento, the manuscript,
The writer’s heartfelt sentiments.
The flight over places new,
Discoveries over
The travel that is boundless
Word mining, arduous but passionate,
Lyrical jewels, adorning
The poetess.
Carmen A. K
(aka Carmen A. Cisnadean)