Inspiring women to healthy living!

Two busy women (moms, grandmas, wives, sisters, career driven, givers) set their sites on sharing the enormous amount of information they learned on health and healing as the result of their long battles with personal illness, combined with their education in integrative healing & functional medicine.

foodGEVITY was born!

We know too well that the current health-care system is broken and not serving patients as it should. We know this disease epidemic is out of control and that something has to be done. We need to stop treating the ill with a pill! You cannot go into the store, to work, on Facebook, to a community event without hearing about someone has just received a diagnosis or heart disease, cancer, diabetes, or an auto immune disease. Seventy percent of chronic disease is preventable, so why do we have such a serious disease epidemic?

Well, with more than seventy percent of adults being either overweight or obese, we have a food epidemic as well which plays a key role in chronic disease. Our food is making us sicker and sicker! It’s time to wake up and smell the green tea folks.

When we developed foodGEVITY we recognized FOOD as nourishment — not just what goes in your mouth, but also your lifestyle. Below is our Pyramid of Health, which is the foundation of foodGEVITY. We believe that the road to health begins with LOVING yourself enough to make the best choices for you! Then you need to nourish yourself, one step at a time. This is how we create life-long, positive change.

Our 20 week program is in three parts, The First Course, which includes nine modules with the “Foods That Feed You”. This is all about your lifestyle. If you are not managing your stress levels, you are unhappy in a relationship, or you are not living your purpose and passion, then your health will suffer no matter your diet. Get ready to be awed by our nine guest experts in each module.

Once we finish The First Course, we jump into the Intermezzo, which is preparing you for The Second Course. We give you guidance to build your kitchen tools and equipment for healthy food prep and suggestions for giving your pantry a complete makeover, eliminating foods that will make you sick and adding foods that will help you thrive! We know this is not one size fits all, so we teach you to customize what works for you.

Last, but not least, we bring you nine modules in The Second Course, the “Foods on Your Fork”. Each module has a video with a food demo and a downloadable PDF with all kinds of resources and recipes. It really does matter what you put in your mouth. Remember what Grandma said “you are what you eat”!

To learn more about foodGEVITY and if it’s right for you, visit us or email us at [email protected].

In Wellness,


Originally published at