While watching some religious services digitally this week for Easter, a gentle warmth appeared within me. Strange I thought. How could a digital experience, very different than what I was used to experiencing, elicit an uninvited guest into my being? There was something powerful in what I was feeling. And it was good.
My mind then wandered. Where does creativity come from? The lyrics of our favorite song? The composition of the photograph we keep returning to in our Instagram feed? Feelings we felt when around someone who cared? The words I cobbled together in this post?
Inundated by news analysis of data, tests, modeling surrounding the pandemic keeps forcing us towards the rational side of life. The logic of Mr. Spock is viewed as being so perfect. Only to be disappointed when, in today’s digital world, not all facts are reliable or true.
Why the answers to all these questions must involve our soul. A word that is commonly used in religious discussions. Souls defy scientific explanation. But whose evidence of good work abound throughout our lives. In ways that go far beyond religious faith.
Our soul is such a vital part of our lives that easily gets missed. With no connection to our smartphone, our soul defiantly wants its independence. For it looks far beyond logic. Finding its strength in faith and lives in feeling while discovering meaning along the way.
The footsteps of our soul appear like breadcrumbs left along the path of our busy lives. Spontaneous in nature, the soul creates so many things through us that can be felt far beyond what is seen. Our soul can be both powerful and instinctive when left to flourish. Love and active compassion are such good examples of this.
Our soul needs nurturing. At times, our soul appears fragile when filled with doubt and fear. Other times, our soul fuels our lives with the passion to persevere, stay strong, and create what never was there before. To love unconditionally when others grow tired is an example of a soul’s perseverance.
The soul needs no scorecard. Only courage to push past our fears to express itself. And then, human connection to validate its genius.
Why are we so blind to see our soul’s footsteps? Disregarding the path, it keeps pulling us towards? Exploring ways to make it stronger? Making the needs of our soul a priority during our lives?
Footsteps are made, one step at a time. Looking inward, to find and feed our soul, may be the most important ones we take over our lifetime as we continue to search for greater meaning in our lives.
This piece was previously published on https://gtathought.com