Ah, forgiveness.

So underestimated.

So powerful.

There’s always new opportunities to forgive.

But why would you ever let go of your anger?

I’ll give you a little clue:

Bitterness and resentment are not good for you.

It takes some soul-searching work though, like anything really good for you.

You must reflect and be willing to pull back the curtain.

To look at your life with eyes of positivity and a heart filled with generosity.

Okay, here’s the great stuff forgiveness does for you:

Reduce stress superbly

Lower anxiety levels lusciously

Halt hostility hugely

Reduce blood pressure peacefully

Lower heart rate lovingly

Improve relationships revolutionarily

Lower substance abuse risk rationally

Decrease depression daringly

Cut chronic pain purely

Skyrocket spiritual well-being

Soar psychological state

Not bad.


Microstep: Find one person you can forgive today. Big or small deal. No matter. Forgive with no strings attached and you’ll feel better than you did yesterday (when you were still holding on to it).

Originally published at drsteven.com.