These days candidate experience optimization is getting a lot of much needed attention. With more and more companies investing in their employer brand (59% of employers are investing more this year- LinkedIn), organizations are evaluating the candidate journey to help ensure it does not erode their investment in brand.
Sadly, there is a forgotten population, the internal candidate. This population has been deemed “safe” by some who like to drag their feet. Planning to promote someone or move them to a juicy new mandate? “Don’t worry, they are internal and not going anywhere”. Thus, the process takes much longer and likely with limited communication.
Savvy employers don’t make this mistake, especially after investing in their employer brand strategy. They are committed more than ever to a great candidate experience for internal and external candidates alike. They know their internal candidates matter and that unless they move with urgency, as well as have a focus on candidate experience, their brand investment is eroded and their employee flight risk status is elevated.
I recall having dinner with friends one evening and discussing this very issue. My friend, a high-potential leader in her organization, was told she would move into her former boss’s role. What came next? Crickets. Weeks turned to months before she finally got any word on next steps.
What some employers may not realize is that internal candidates have options and impact your employer brand, as well as your reputation. They may have been wooed by a competitor in the past. This courting may be ongoing. Their loyalty can only last for so long before they question the commitment on the other side, their company.
Pop the question already! You know they can do the job or you would not have discussed the new position with them.
So why do some employers dawdle? Because they have other burning priorities and do not see the silent risk sitting in front of them.
As I continue my mission to build community at work, it’s great to see an increased emphasis on a humanized talent brand and enriched candidate experience, but don’t forget about the internal candidate sitting in front of you. They deserve the same first-rate journey as everyone else.
No candidate left behind…especially your internal talent. #HumanBeforeResources
Originally published at