You are a female who wants to travel, you dream of faraway places and adventures. Perhaps none of your friends wants to travel with you and you’re single. Maybe you want to travel alone. Maybe you are not alone. Whatever the case, you know that you have this burning desire to explore.

Now imagine you can log onto a website and meet hundreds of other women who also love to travel. You can search for them by country or travel style and connect. You can ask questions in a forum about your fears and worries or on your next destination and you can connect with the people who have given you advice. 

Whilst browsing through the website you will be provided with inspiration from other women travelling, their photos and status are displayed. You can be inspired daily by their questions and thoughts. 

This is why I created She Roams Solo. She Roams Solo, A social networking website for women who love to travel. 

We are entering an age where travel is cheaper and easier. A world where we are valuing experiences over possessions and it is becoming more and more common for women to travel alone. There is no doubt in my mind that there are dangers for women and it is more tabooed to travel solo. 

There are still many women who are scared to make that leap or never book that ticket out of fear. I hope that She Roams Solo can help eliminate the fear and increase the safety.

How did She Roams Solo start?

I was never afraid to travel alone, I embraced it, I knew it would make me a stronger person and there was no fear factor. Before any solo trip I would get remarks such as “Oh you’re so brave” and “I could never do what you are doing”. I didn’t think of myself as brave, I was just living my desires.

I had discovered Facebook groups and saw how well they worked for connecting like-minded women. However, there were certain things that I didn’t like about Facebook groups. I didn’t like that I had to mix my personal facebook platform with strangers. The more groups I joined, the less I saw of my friends and family. Questions and comments I didn’t care for overtook the ones I did. I also felt like the good questions would disappear, it was hard to organise all the great information that people had given and duplicates of questions were being asked. So I sought to improve this.

How does She Roams Solo work?

The idea is that you sign up for free, add your profile image and a cover photo. Your bio details will allow people to search for you based on your travel preference, current destination and more.

Your profile will allow you to upload photos, links, thoughts on your upcoming or current adventures.

The highlight of the website is the well-organised forum. The forums are not censored, I strongly believe in the community being able to communicate how they wish.

Everything comes together on a Community board. This is where the entire networks happenings are displayed. It enables the members to be able to make friends and see what is happening, to judge who they can help or wish to connect with.

What is next for She Roams Solo

As the community grows, it will become a wealth of information. I hope that the woman who dreams of going to Israel can mention her trip on her profile or on the forum and instantly connect with an Israelian local female. Perhaps this local has never been travelling and wants to. You will meet, share local customs and you will inspire her with your stories.

Perhaps you’re in Barcelona by yourself. The idea is to write “is anyone in #Barcelona” on your status bar and instantly have 3 or 4 girls to meet up with.

The first time traveller on their way to South-East Asia can check the scams forum and be aware of all those scammers.

For the experienced traveller on her way to Central Asia, you can check out the visas forum before going to Kazakhstan. You will be prepared with the visa knowledge and maybe even a friend to hang out with.

My dream for She Roams Solo is to create a global online hub for all female travel needs. It is to encourage the dreams of others and make female travel just that little bit safer.