A problem that young people inevitably face when they finish high school is to define their future. Some, pressured by parents, follow the career they want; others try and sometimes fail and a few follow their true vocation.

The choice of a career is usually one of the most common problems faced by young people, who, after high school, tend to wander from faculty to faculty without knowing what their future will be.

Although the offer of new proposals far from the university academic field ends up being an option for many of them, the truth is that this path that leads from adolescence to adulthood is not usually without anguish and pain.

Some, pressured by parents, follow that career they want, without listening to the true call of their desire. Others, on the other hand, try and go from failure to failure until they end up abandoning their studies, although it is also true that there are few who end up following their vocation.

“The different stages through which children and adolescents go through often face situations that are inherent to growth, at the age they have, that’s why we call them growth or evolutionary crises,” explained psychologist Gisela Holc (MN 24,591), who expanded that “the denomination ‘crisis’ implies anguish, anxiety and the need to resolve some conflict or some concern”.

The professional referred to the typical anxiety of boys of 16 or 17 years, who are studying the last years of high school and begin to ask about their future, the choice of a career to study or the possibility to go out to work. “What starts to generate anxiety is the exit to the adult world, leaving their childish world,” said Holc.

For the graduate, “the completion of a stage faces major changes. The abandonment of the primary school where they knew their rules, their characters, where they were the biggest, where they knew their peers, their roles in the groups, all this gave them a level of security and feeling of important dominance “.

However, he stressed, “The body growing, the voice changing, begins to face them with the ignorance of them, with this insecurity product of internal change, the image that returns the mirror, all this characteristic of adolescence, are faced to the question about his future.”

“The future, which by definition is uncertain, unknown, new … insecurity and confusion both internally, of the self, and externally, with respect to the external world. The internal schemes change, the external referents also. In this context the boys have to choose, “said Holc.

The fundamental thing is, then, that parents recognize that this future belongs to their children: “It is important to be able to think of it as a challenge, an opportunity, but no less important is knowing that this milestone in the lives of young people is often traversed with great anxieties, “said the psychologist, who stressed that” for many it is a conflict that cannot be solved individually, many attend it with great doubts, because it is the moment in which the adolescent is torn between what was, what is and what will become “.

The certain thing is that to recognize the ideal to which it is wanted to arrive is necessary to trace from where it arises, “since generally the inclination towards some profession has its bases in some ‘otro’, is this real or fantasized”, affirmed, to emphasize that “When someone wants to be an engineer, it is because they met an engineer whom they admired or because they fantasize about the life of an engineer, so we have to investigate the sources, the inspiration, which is below this choice”.

After school, young people face a real challenge: choosing the future according to their vocation.


Good knowledge:

According to experts, to choose a career, the young person must know very well, identify their skills, their aptitudes, their personality, see what excites them and what motivates them the most.

While in Brazil there are six students for each graduate, in Argentina each of them has twenty that decide not to continue or that they do between round trips and take years to receive.

A great help:

The support of the parents and the possibility of being able to take off their own desire from their children is fundamental when it comes to helping them to make an adequate vocational choice and to calm their anxiety about the subject.

New options:

Non-traditional careers, such as those related to art or cooking, have notably increased their level of enrollment in recent years. Young people look for new work options.

Percent of the students that enter a university, graduate with the title under the arm. The majority abandons the studies or prolongs them indefinitely, according to data from 2011.