Does anyone else have some concerns when it comes to finding less and less reason for humans to talk to other humans?
Research has shown that the on-demand economy has led to increased loneliness.
We have been using technology with no real understanding of the long term outcomes on our life.
People have more free time and they are using it to work longer hours or binge watch Netflix #justsaying
An unexpected negative externality of the advancements in technology has been feeding people’s social anxieties and natural instincts to stay in the cave.
Cave being the apartment, with food delivery, Netflix, video games, tinder and AC. It feels so much better in the short term to stay safe, inside the cave, away from potential rejection and failure, being entertained and exerting minimal effort.
It feels so much better in the short term to stay safe, inside the cave, away from potential rejection and failure, being entertained and exerting minimal effort.
Of course that is what your brain wants you to do. We know it is programmed for survival in the wild, it literally wants to keep you alive and hasn’t adjusted at the pace of technology.
It may be in our instinct to stay in the cave, but people need people and community, offline.
Have you ever not felt in the mood to do something and then had the best time?
One of my hero’s, Alex, always said to me – you never regret the nights you go out. For me, I would always rather regret the things I did rather than the things I did not do.
People need an easy way to meet new people, offline, and we have been building it. We are heading out to Mass Challenge, Austin, next month and would love to hear from anyone that is interested to get involved! Email [email protected]
Of course, on the surface, Google Assistant sounds amazing. I get frustrated being on hold like anyone else, I just wonder what it means for feeding social anxiety, loneliness and isolation if it does not come with a rise in opportunities for people to have increased conversations with other humans.