The Goddess 

Doesn’t let herself 

Be undermined 

By those who 

Treat her 

As though she is not on top

The Goddess 

Doesn’t let people 

Into her life 

Who would easily

Let her 

Leave theirs 

The goddess 

Doesn’t let the world 

Steal away her love 

When all she wants 

To do

Is to cry 

The goddess 

Doesn’t let men 

Act as though 

She is nothing 

When she knows she is 


The goddess 

Doesn’t let children 

Live in pain and 


That they are

The magicians of the world 

The goddess 

Doesn’t let friends 

Sit next to them 

When all they bring 

To the table

Are sour apples 

The goddess 

Doesn’t let siblings 


The gift of sisterhood

When they 

Cannot offer her protection 

The Goddess 

Does not allow 

Her heart

To be shattered into pieces 

When all she does 

Is bring peace

The goddess

Does not allow 

Her body 

To be treated as if 

It is a storage space 

For toxicity 


The goddess 

Does not allow 

Her heart 

To be stretched in ways 

Which are against 

The principles of yoga 

The goddess 

Does not 


Dark thoughts to

Enter her mind 

And dim her brightness 

And the goddess

Does not let 

Her soul

Be experienced by herself

Or others 

Only on the physical plane