And then, and then, and then
And then, there was silence;
For people retreated in fear
The earth still trembling —
Vibrating footprints and traveling smog
Remnants of lives lived in oblivion.
The spaces inside walls shrank
Suspicion, loneliness, rage
Swirling without escape,
Minds wandering in circles
Thoughts running on fumes
In closed boxes.
Outside sealed windows
Beasts dared to roam their earth
Each step a light-filled shadow
Gently releasing love
From energy unknown to them.
And people, desperate,
Turned to the bright light that called them;
Paid attention…
Beauty beyond their reach
Over there, appearing, rising —
Something not noticed before;
Cool air now entering open windows
Emotions happily escaping
New thoughts born voraciously;
It was possible,
It was possible to love
Hands clapped and tears flowed
Involuntary jerks, in unison,
Threaded with one another
Their minds, alone together.
Love could analyze
Learn, think, and do
Things fear had never accomplished;
Awareness was a bird in flight
Headed for the new-found togetherness
It desired.
Love inspired,
The people marched like
Entwined souls,
Clapping no longer sufficed as
They grasped warm hands
just like their own,
Vowing never again to be foolishly
The pause was not a pause;
People were reset
Entering a new earthly dimension;
Beauty had prevailed
Through sickness and sadness.
Individually and collectively,
The force decided together
To become one —
The earth and ALL its people.