The month of May made me see the world differently. In a generic sense, I like to learn about businesses and how things work. But I had no specific purpose to look for the stories; I am currently searching.

The work takes me to subjects unexplored. And even more. But my mind wanders.

“I haven’t shopped in a while.”

Although on paper, I spend. On new tools, channels of learning and loading bytes that I am so happy to find.

In hindsight, the thought of buying an attire to feel good is surprising. Why is it that I want to hold on to things that adorn as a memory.

We are trained to receive something at the end of any process and create memories around it.

While what I receive as words is beyond what’s bought, but my mind wanders. “Get that product,” I thought. Alongside the product, I am building.

We give such little thought to the act of learning. It is not sexy enough to talk about. The joy of gaining the invisible. Our quest is to quickly get what’s visible.

It is a lot to do with the people we are surrounded by and the ever so consumed consumer-driven culture.

I questioned my conscience. Why can’t I feel triumphant about buying more tools from the tools that are paying me to keep this train aboard? A train of thought, ideas, and space where the brain is discovering dimensions. And these tools come only at a price that could buy me an evening gear perhaps.

Does it mean I will stop shopping? It is just that I want to know the reason for every purchase and not associate it with a feeling more significant than what it deserves.

Originally published at