When we examine the role of redemption, the very prefix of re- indicates that something must be done over again. Something happened, which did not go as expected. Therefore, a closer examination is required. On the second time around, the walk has to be a little slower. The most tiny details are examined with great keen. Furthermore, there is a desire to examine how foundation was lost, in order to re-establish it.
According to Merriam-Webster, one definition of redemption is “the act of making something better or more acceptable.” The term redemption is categorized as a noun, in the context of parts of speech. According to Dictionary.com, redemption is defined as “an act of redeeming or atoning for a fault or mistake, or the state of being redeemed.” A second definition categorizes it as “deliverance; rescue.” In both definitions, they are nouns. This means it is connected to the energies of a person, place, animal, thing, or idea. It means they are connected to life’s energies. That even in the midst of failures or shortcomings, there are things that can be done in making up for them. Actions can be completed in order to create a better version of self. A more empowered version of self. Not allowing one’s Spirit to be broken or demeaned, by those who wish to create their limited perceptions, untruths, and faux narratives on another person’s existence. When a person has decided to take the reins into hands of their own story line, into how they truly wish to present themselves (after a fall), it sincerely is an act of, redemption.

As we examine the long-spanned career of famed actress, comedian, producer, and overall talented woman, Roseanne Barr, we are given a glimpse into an example of the very performance of redemption. May 28, 29, 2018 was not only a distressing moment in Roseanne Barr’s career, but a period, which would decide if she could re-claim and re-gain. That would be the ultimate test, in seeing how, and if, she will overcome this event of her show being cancelled, her character being assassinated, and overall reputation at stake. His/Herstory would be watching.
We cannot say that the fall didn’t hurt. In fact, falls are more than painful. When we are used to being at a certain level in our careers, only to have that rug swept right under our feet, there is a spiritual wound, inflicted upon us. It cannot truly be described by words. In fact, it will not be addressed in a way, which truly conveys the entire sensory of your Spirit being trampled upon. Painting your existence as a negative, and erasing any evidence of its Beauty. You know your Spirit is beautiful, and yet it is drawn in contrast to everything that is good. Everything that is beautiful. Everything that is Universally pleasing and nourishing to the Soul.

When the career rugs are swept from under our very existence, there is an aura of nothingness. One feels empty; as if life has been drained from our physical state. Leading us to ponder around in temporary disillusions of who we are. Questioning if these disillusions have truth. They can become true, if we believe them. If we cave into the belief, that they are, real. How we overcome the faux existence of lies, is simply continuing to create what is true! Creating in truth. Re-claiming control over one’s image, highlighting its beauty, and ensuring that it is seen, by the world.
After that controversial Tweet, Roseanne Barr was a subject of many things. Cut off from the minds of many, who wanted to believe that-without hearing the entire story. Refusing to listen to the whole picture. The different stories. Nevertheless, she continued to press on. Designing conversations, which addressed her reason for saying what she said. Interviewing people of diverse backgrounds and communities on political topics. Articulating her stances, and sticking by them. Over and over, she continues to perform the artistry of, oratory. Speaking the word, and allowing it to resonate, over and over, in the heart and ears of truth seekers, tellers, and doers. After all, truth is about power. There is energy behind words. When those energies are reflected into Universal domain, their realness is illuminated. Truth feels real! There is a certain energy about it, which touches the sensory of your core. When that truth is accepted by many, a sense of liberation and healing radiates. One is relieved that a restoration is taking place, concerning one’s energy. With holistic energy, there is elevation. Soaring out of the rut and depression, that one found oneself to be.
Roseanne Barr was, and still is, determined to reclaim her image. Using her voice to set things straight and clear, in her words. In being vigilant and present, she is letting the world know that she is still here. That she is alive, in the world of the living, and ready to get back in the creative sector’s version of truth telling. Her talent of telling herstory, and telling it, right. Its one of those delights and fantasies of being able to leave something beautiful for the world to remember. Wanting the world to observe and view that holistic and loving version of, you. It truly is redemption!

Going through the work of redemption, and of re-creating one’s identity, requires navigating the pain. Re-creating one’s life, pushing forward with those beautiful images of one’s existence, requires going through those tensions. The ugly work that takes place when a person is re-claiming their name. Re-instating the stability and nourishment of one’s very Soul. Yes, the work is grueling. Nevertheless, in the very end, there is, redemption!
Often times when people define the term, “redemption,” they explain it in terms of a “sin.” That someone has done wrong, and therefore, they are trying to redeem oneself from sin. Simultaneously, there is another part of redemption. Its that part where someone has not committed intentions of wrongdoing, and have to go through the process of restoring one’s name and image. When one’s character has been unfairly attacked, or lied upon, for others gain, is another form of redemption. That’s the other part of it. Put away politics. Put away your particular opinions of another person, and let’s just focus on the healing process of redemption. Its a learning journey. Its an observation journey, and it provides one with the ability to re-invent one’s very existence. Present one’s words in how they meant them, and moving forward in the healing power of, words. Redemption. The prefix re- reminds us of doing something over again. Translating into a missing link, a missing segment, that was left out. Going through the moments of putting those pieces together, and ensuring that in the next go around, there is a prettier outcome. Redemption. Redeemed. The re-‘s of a Being, having been, re-birthed! Speaking redemption, until words begin to heal!

For the latest information on comedian, actress, and television producer, Roseanne Barr, you can click on the following link: http://www.domesticgoddess.tv/, or go to Twitter: @therealroseanne