Feng Shui is an ancient art that has been practiced since at least 3700 BC. It has evolved through many different historical periods in China. For our purposes in this article, we will be talking about what is known as the black hat tradition of Feng Shui. After over 15 years of using feng shui to create the life of my dreams, I’m excited to share some amazing spiritual life hacks that have worked for me with you, dear reader!

The core of using feng shui to better your life revolves around the bagua. We use the bagua to move the chi or energy around the house in the most optimal way. Enhancing the bagua helps us create our lives more effortlessly because we do not have to expend extra energy to make the energy of our home harmonious. Instead we set the stage for our lives to flow by setting up the energy of our home to align with our intentions.

Front Door or Door to Room is Here

To figure out how to fit the bagua over your home start by lining up your front door with the bottom of the octagon/bagua. That means that it would either align with the career, helpful people, or skills and knowledge area. Some homes may have a missing piece or an additional jutting area of the home that lies outside of the bagua.  If you have a missing piece, like for example part of your prosperity area is missing, you can use extra prosperity cures in the closest area to still enhance the chi toward prosperity. Feng shui works because your intention is strong. You can do it!

If you have and an additional area that juts outside of the bagua you can enhance the chi in that area and you can also use a strategically placed mirror to bring the spatial area back into the bagua. Place the mirror just inside the bagua so the extra spatial area that is outside of it is reflected in the mirror within the bagua. that is how you bring an extra zone back into the harmonious energy of your home.

 Now, let’s get a little bit more in-depth about what feng shui cures will help you achieve your intentions and create the life of your dreams!

Intentional Cures

Let’s talk cures to revitalize the Chi of your home! My good friend and world-renowned bestselling author of my favorite feng shui book, Move Your Stuff Change Your Life, Karen Rauch Carter, says the most important ingredient in any feng shui cure is intention. Make sure you place each cure in the appropriate gua with plenty of intention to boost its power.

Below you will find a list of some ideas for cures for each area of your home. A little goes a long way, you don’t have to do all of them at once. Simply set an intention and place the cure stating the intention aloud. I’ll take you through that process below.

Prosperity: anything purple, red is a power color and can bring extra excitement and energy to this area, green as a symbol of money and growth including real dollar bills, anything gold (I love golden Buddha statues!), any symbols that remind you of wealth and abundance, anything symbolizing water especially if it’s moving, glass symbolizes water in feng shui so it’s also helpful in this area.

Fame: fire and anything symbolizing it, candles, fireplaces, lanterns, lights and lamps, lots of red, anything triangular especially if it is tall, pointed objects, pyramids, cactuses (this is the only gua where these plants work), would feed the fire, green because it symbolizes what will feed the energy of this area, your television is great here, vertically oriented items and pictures, animals and things made from animals, pictures or symbols of celebrities or people you admire who have the reputation you want, awards, diplomas professional licenses, anything associated with height such as pictures of mountains or the sun.

Relationships: round mirrors, two candles,  fresh flowers, lots of pink, red, undergarments, anything sensual, symbols that mean the love to you, animal prints, fireworks, set of two lovebirds or other romantic symbols.

Creativity: metal, white, anything round, a little bit of Earth (feeds the metal element), a little bit of yellow, toys and games, things that remind you of the happiness of childhood, creative art, crafts or your art studio, bright lights equal bright ideas in this gua, a metal bell, symbols of creativity, symbols of children.

Helpful people and travel: lots of silver, metal, gray, symbols of helpful beings, religious objects, bells, hands that symbolize helping hands, water, symbols of places you would like to go, maps, globes.

Career: water of any kind even if in a picture, black, undulating shapes and freeform items, mirrors, glass, metal, white items, round items, symbols of the career and life path that you desire (I like to use best-selling books by authors I admire!)

Skills and knowledge: lots of blue, books, lights to illuminate the mind, food to fuel your brain, symbols of wisdom, symbols of mentors or wise people, metal, water, black, wood, green, meditation items, alters of gratitude, symbols of the skills or knowledge you would like to have.

Family: lots of green, wood, rectangular objects, columnar objects, water, black, undulating forms.

Health: lots of yellow, gold, earth tones, squares, Earth and symbols of earth, things made of earth, fruit, funny items, horizontal items, flat items, stars and sun, a little bit of fire.

How To Find Your Bagua Bliss 

Now, we are going to identify the top three things that you would like to apply this new knowledge to improve!

Intention number one:

What is your number one intention for your life at this time? What do you want to change or boost? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which area of the bagua would be most related to this intention? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Look at the information above and pick out one or two cure ideas that would most pertain to your intention that you could apply to the related gua. List those ideas here: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now, formulate your intention in the form of an affirmative statement. For example, “I will get an amazing new job this year.” Or, “I have an exciting and fulfilling love-life.” Or, “ I will connect with the perfect nutritionist to help me optimize my health.” List that intention below:


As you place the cures in the gua state the intention you formulated above out loud and visualize an optimal and amazing outcome.

Intention number two:

What is your number two intention for your life at this time? What do you want to change or boost? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which area of the bagua would be most related to this intention? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Look at the information above and pick out one or two cure ideas that would most pertain to your intention that you could apply to the related gua. List those ideas here: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now, formulate your intention in the form of an affirmative statement. For example, “I will get an amazing new job this year.” Or, “I have an exciting and fulfilling love-life.” Or, “ I will connect to with the perfect nutritionist to help me optimize my health.” List that intention below:


As you place the cures in the gua state the intention you formulated above out loud and visualize an optimal and amazing outcome.

Intention number three:

What is your number three intention for your life at this time? What do you want to change or boost? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Which area of the bagua would be most related to this intention? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Look at the information above and pick out one or two cure ideas that would most pertain to your intention that you could apply to the related gua. List those ideas here: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Now, formulate your intention in the form of an affirmative statement. For example, “I will get an amazing new job this year.” Or, “I have an exciting and fulfilling love-life.” Or, “ I will connect to with the perfect nutritionist to help me optimize my health.” List that intention below:


As you place the cures in the gua state the intention you formulated above out loud and visualize an optimal and amazing outcome.

             I am so excited that you have found your bagua bliss! You can always use this process again and again to spiritually hack your life for the better.
