I took my Jeep for a service two weeks ago.

The busy service person told me that considering this would be a major service, the cost would be approximately $800. Considering the miles I do, I half expected a major service to be in this vicinity and I honestly don’t mind paying the price – I need my car to run well and stay under warranty, so I look after it. 

This particular Jeep dealership has a courtesy bus which goes into the heart of town. As this is now probably my 4th visit, I always seem to walk by the same homeless man every time I’m in the area. As I had done previously, I smiled and kept walking but something in me had awakened which I can’t quite explain logically. With hindsight a quantum shift had made itself known. Something inside wanted to give. I decided to put my hand in my pocket a feel for a few notes I knew where in there. I knew i had broken a $50 note, so I had a $20, $10 and $5 note in my pocket with a few coins. Whatever I pull out, I thought, I would give.

Would you believe, I ended up pulled out the $20 note. Yes, the big one.

All of a sudden gust of wind came along that had different plans for my money. The $10 and $5 note came flying out and landed next to the homeless man’s feet. Was the Universe talking to me? Possibly, but I didn’t know it at the time.

I looked at him with an award silence neither of us knowing what to do next. Then it happened. Again. Clarity, humility and gratitude flooded the mind. 

What did $35 really mean to me in the grand scheme of things? Not a great deal. And what did it mean to him? Probably everything. I gave him the full $35. I felt an incredible sense of fulfilment and satisfaction in giving the money. 

I went inside the shopping centre with the few coins I had left in my pocket and had enough together for a ‘another’ coffee, then the phone rang. The car service was completed and ready.

The courtesy bus came and Gus (the driver) and I got into a great conversation about what it meant for me to give and how it made me feel. He listened while I explained about my sense of fulfillment with the homeless man.

We arrived at the Jeep Dealership 10 mins later. Being greeted with a smile, I strolled up to the familiar face which greeted me that morning.

“That’s $338, Sir”.

What? Sorry “I said you must be mistaken, I had the major service done, you mentioned it would be in the vicinity of $800 this morning”.Yes”, he said; “I did say that but the computer is only charging you $338”. “OK?! I said without too much hesitation, here’s my card”.

I now know that when we’re in service to others, the Universe responds with the same to us. “How may I serve you?” Coming from a place of giving always yields much larger rewards we can’t always see or readily find. Offering the homeless man $35 and receiving over a $400 discount on my car service was an experience I won’t soon forget.

The lesson: Stay in the service of others. Regardless of what comes back ( if anything) it’s still a win, win.