According to one study, 67% of people have felt higher levels of negative stress during the quarantine. Here are tips to stay focused.
“The future was ahead of us” a phrase that leads us to generate the emotion that most paralyzes the brain, uncertainty and with it all the complementary, anxiety, fear, sadness, and anger, a cocktail of neurotransmitters that make many people who are in confinement do not feel in the best conditions to carry out their stove repair work.
According to a global study conducted by Qualtricps and SAP between March and April 2020, the emotional impact of Covid-19 is significant and requires our attention. 75% of people feel socially isolated, 67% perceive an increase in negative stress levels, 57% express greater anxiety and 53% express greater emotional exhaustion.
The current scenario presents new and unique challenges both from being and from doing. We are sailing in unfamiliar waters with this virus, so it is important to find new ways to work and interact while taking care of our mental health and well-being.
Confinement has exposed issues that a few years ago were timidly addressed and has highlighted how mental health limits or enhances people’s performance.
We are in the middle of a situation in which the level of development that the psychological capital of the collaborators has will be decisive in the productivity of the companies, the work environment that is lived and the adaptation to change. It is time to review if the bets that have been made so far on issues of job happiness, well-being and development have been correct, for this we can see how the four components of psychological capital are expressed within business dynamics.
Smart optimism.
Make a positive attribution about achievement or success now or soon and take action to make this happen.
perseverance in goals and when necessary to adapt strategies, self-manage the development of skills to ensure their achievement.
confidence in one’s own abilities and orientation towards sustained learning and continuous improvement to keep up with new challenges.
the ability to overcome adversity and overcome periods of emotional pain and difficult situations, emerging from them strengthened.
Here is how you can improve productivity and take care of your employees’ mental health:
If you want to start with actions to have a brain-friendly company, you can make some of the following recommendations:
Get informed.
one in four people in the world has mental health impairment, from minor issues to complex mental disorders.
Promote the development of psychological capital.
with measurable interventions that allow you to see the progress of your employees.
Create spaces for support and active listening.
(meetings, groups with experts, workshops for specific needs) currently most people feel comfortable talking about how they are feeling emotionally and value the actions that companies take to care of them.
Strengthen empathy and compassion in your leaders.
This will make people reach out and openly express their mental health needs, not feeling judged.
Be consistent.
do not address the issue of mental health for once, it needs to be incorporated as one of the most important fronts at this time.
Eliminate myths about psychological and psychiatric treatments by sharing information on the subject in an open way.
Incorporate support professionals to whom people who require it can go is a benefit of great contribution at this time.
Share content that inspires and promotes mental health self-care.
Train your employees in managing negative stress, a basic emotional skill that can positively impact others.
Take care of your leaders, it is not only about asking them to accompany their teams, but about generating support networks in which everyone can feel accompanied and strengthened.