Working as an independent entrepreneur in my own business while feeling free: that was and always has been my dream. I was quite the hustler during high school holidays and I remember the magic of people asking me for help and me getting money for my work. I was immediately ‘hooked’ and started dreaming big. In University I registered my business at the Chamber of Commerce and straight after graduation I worked on my dream so I would never have to work for a boss in my life.

Lady boss and mom life

Fast forward to now, almost 20 years later, I’m running a 6-figure business. But as big as my dream of being my own boss has always been, I only work 20 hours a week. Why do I work parttime? Well, I don’t want to be a part of the rat race and drive myself in a burnout working 60-90+ hours a week. Believe me, I’ve been there! I also am a mother of two children (age 8 and 6) and I want to enjoy my life for them and with them and witness them growing up.

By working while they’re in school I can run my business. And every afternoon, weekend and school holiday I’m free to be with them, and my family and friends. Working like this didn’t come naturally and I’ve learned to perfect it through trial and error, but balancing motherhood and business is possible with a routine and some discipline.

Work to live, not the other way around

By setting up my work-life combo this way I want to show my children and others that moms can work AND have success and fun in life and business. I want to model a life that shows that by being a business owner and by following your heart’s desire, you can make your own money to have a life of freedom and flexibility. I wish to be a role model for my children and demonstrate that nowadays you can work smart and earn more in less time. I hope to inspire them with the way our lives are set up and I hope that they will always cherish the memory of their mom being there for them every single day. And also a mother that prioritizes health and happiness over material things. I want to empart the gift of PRESENCE onto them, so they feel loved and connected and rooted. I also want to make them proud and illustrate that you can balance business and motherhood without having to give up your happiness or health. I work to live, not the other way around. This all is why I think it is of great importance to balance your energy.

Being both a mom and a business owner empower me as a woman. And I have one guiding aspect to help me with balancing them and that is how I FEEL every single day. Working hard is nothing for me if I can’t enjoy the process. You see, for me there are three major values in my life: authenticity, connection and contribution. And when I’m taking a new step in work or in life I always check first if that step matches with my values before I do anything. If I can work while being authentic, connect with others and contribute to society, then that will make my business stronger. If not, then it’s not a good step for me.

Find the flow and ease

Being in a good flow and living with ease relaxes your entire system. Your body and mind are in their best state and your productivity and quality of life and work will go through the roof. You can be present fully when working, and once work is done you are able to switch to mommy mode without any regret or resentment. Single-tasking your way through life will get your focus and perception in shape. Being present in the moment prevents adrenal fatigue and gives you the clarity and patience to make the right decision for you as a mother and business owner. So, take a deep breath and take a step back so you can design your dream life. Your children and your business will thank you for it. And so will you.