You are probably aware that you cannot do everything on your own. Some people are more independent than others so they rarely ask for help. Some are stubborn and determined to complete every task without anyone’s assistance and often are shown that they cannot go through life alone.
Jared Maples was one of these people. He entered the world of entrepreneurship at the age of 18 and for some time he tried to build a business without any associates. He believed this to be the only way because he wanted to control every aspect and eliminate all variables that a team of people would bring.
He says that he had managed to run a business on his own for some time, but soon he realized that things would move and developed faster if he had a team of people by his side. Even though he had mastered the skills he needed to succeed in his career, he knew that he also possessed great leadership skills and that he could further develop his company if he found the best partners in his line of work. And he was not wrong. Today, Jared and his wife are in charge of a company with over 30,000 customers and they do business in multiple countries all around the world.
He realized that each person he employed had certain strengths and when combined together they can achieve greatness. All he had to do is to motivate the people around him and they will do their best, and he knew just the way to do it.
From a really young age, Jared was taught the importance of sharing and giving to others. This important life lesson was instilled into him by his parents, and many years later, he found a way to apply it to his career journey. He says “Leaders that lean into their people and empower the strengths they have identified, they will succeed far greater and enjoy life with time freedom”. And this is exactly what he did. He states that he would have never been able to expand his business and network of allies hadn’t he trained his employees and helped them learn everything they needed to know.
Nowadays, he lives by an African proverb – “If you want to go quickly go alone if you want to go far, go together”. He has also spoken to thousands of people in different events with the goal of sharing his experience and helping the ones that are just entering the corporate world or just thinking about it. He says that the whole point is to find the right people, someone who is trustworthy and also eager to learn. It took him a little while to master the leadership skills, but now, he is ready to share them with others.
At the end of his performance, Jared has only one message for hundreds of people in front of him – build people and people will build the business. Since his success is beyond the shadow of a doubt, we must agree with him.