Over the years in various roles, I’ve witnessed several styles and tactics of people in leadership positions and there’s a commonality in the roles that I’m sure you’re aware of.

The majority of people in leadership roles overlook the most important element of leadership and by overlooking this element, the people around them suffer; and from first hand experience, seeing someone break down and leave their role, not because they are incompetent but because they don’t receive the support they need, didn’t and doesn’t sit right with me.

I was recently speaking with a friend of mine and he made a very interesting point around staff.  He doesn’t like mediocracy.  He doesn’t like the people who sit in the middle ground whereas if a person is good or bad, you know where you stand with them.  He went on to expand that a person who is bad at their role could improve if they have the right attitude and support rather than assume they are incompetent at their role, a perspective that matched my own observations mentioned above.

My curiosity took me to explore the wider picture and I’d like to offer these thoughts.

The definition of compassion is the ability to understand the emotional state of another person or oneself.

When we understand this definition, we begin to wonder about our own lives and the lives of others we are connected with through work and indeed life.

When we make a conscious decision to consider how we can show compassion for ourselves and others, leading takes on a whole new perspective for the better.

So what advantages are there from showing compassion?

With over 20 years working in the private, public and third sectors there is one advantage that stands out for me – Focused and motivated staff.

Remember compassion is having an ability to understand the emotional stage of another and yourself so let’s give that some context.

The one thought you deserve to have when it comes to others in your role as leader is “How can I allow that person to be the best version of themselves?”  This thought removes any distractions and allows you to stay focused when things are going well and not so well.

The second thought you deserve to have is “How can I allow myself to be the best version of myself?” Reminding yourself of this gives you control over negative self talk and we all know what negative self talk can lead to!

If this article interested you, I invite you to continue to read more on the importance of bringing compassion into the work place below.

Forbes wrote an article in 2015 and when you read it, I’m sure you’ll be nodding your head in agreement.

Read the article here

