In today’s society with the emergence of social media, people make it seem as if they are living a perfect life which for the most part distorts people’s perspective of reality.
Hollywood can be competitive, cutthroat and you have to be mentally strong. For some the trials and tribulations get overwhelming.
It’s important to keep a very close circle around you that encourages positivity and instills a mindset of ignoring the bullshit that comes with the Hollywood scene. Laci discusses the importance of how her circle of influence is very supportive of her goals and provides perspective when things are tough.
The key to being mentally strong is to be truly at peace with yourself and understanding who you are to the extent where nothing anyone says or does impacts you or your mental state.
Another trait that is important is self-reflection. It’s important to look at how far you’ve come and always express gratitude Speaking things into existence is a key attribute of top people.
Laci mentions, “Even though it sounds weird to some people, quick self-talk at specific times helps me return to a neutral or positive state of mind”
Implementing habits that contribute to your mental health is important:
Fitness can be monumental in shifting one’s state of being on an internal and external level. The biggest issue today is people allow others to put them down and it’s important to realize one simple philosophy: when you are comfortable internally and can block out the negativity, it becomes easier to move on in life.
In addition, ONLY surround yourself with positive people who are constantly striving and influencing you to get better and achieve success. Keep people in your life who add value and can help you achieve your targets in life. Life is too short to have negative people around you because every moment wasted with negativity leads you away from your goals.
Openly talking about your feelings or if something is bothering you, be blunt and upfront about it. When people bottle up their emotions and are unable to express it or talk about with someone, eventually you’ll implode. You should always have one person who understands you mentally and emotionally so you can reach out to them so you don’t have the feeling of loneliness.
Because of her hard work and dedication, Laci has been able to retire her mother and show her the finer things in life. Having been raised by a single mother, she feels blessed to be in a position to be able to do so.
Our parents sacrifice a lot growing up and we all strive to be able to one day pay them back in some way.
Laci Kay Somers, is an actress, model, and recording artist from San Francisco California. Having successfully built a brand on social media with over 11 million followers and subscribers, she continues to build her fan base with extensive social media knowledge. Being heavily invested in other projects like real estate and emerging blockchain technologies she provides insights into how mental health is an important conversation that people need to have not just in Hollywood- where she spends the majority of her time networking with successful entrepreneurs and recording music.
Having always been passionate about music starting from a very young age, she knew she had a gift for music. She chronicles a memory of being in the studio that her dad built for many of the Bay Area rappers including one of Mac Dres studios. She loves creating a song from nothing but an idea with her team, and enjoys the process and long hours in the studio; it’s all about the vibe. Everything accomplished since the age of 13 was to further her music aspirations.
For people breaking into the music industry, it’s important to network with people who have a significant influence in the current music industry.
Many people will promise the world but very few will deliver tangible results.
“Second, keep an open mind on music genres and styles of music to create as the music game is constantly changing. It’s definitely not easy and it can get pretty intense but never give up and always be working on your craft. “- Laci Kay Somers
I believe everything is energy and the more positivity and gratitude you radiate and express, the more blessings will come in abundance.
On a professional level, she is proud of herself- that she’s been able to: fund her music career, music videos, not taking handouts from anyone, and her accomplishments to date. Having landed a feature with a legendary artist is something she is proud to have achieved(which is yet to be released).
Collaborating with Lady Gaga is a goal of Laci’s because she’s broken a lot of barriers, charts, and stigmas, sometimes she tends to be misunderstood. Also, she’s innovated her music and ventured into the acting world; she’s an inspiration to and proof that anything is possible if you stick with it.