Alexander Valentine is an ambitious Entrepreneur and DJ who has found a way to not only follow his passion in life but also setting up goals and executing them while enjoying the process of growing his businesses and creating value in those around him. Even when he was a child he always knew he would become successful. Today Alexander Valentine is regarded as a successful businessman helping big brands reach the young generation with online advertising. He is a successful business owner that runs several enterprises and a DJ as well.
Tell us about who you are and what you do.
I’m Alexander Valentine and I am an entrepreneur and a DJ. I run my own Online advertising agency helping businesses generating more leads using Facebook, Google, Instagram ads. I founded my online advertising agency at a young age because I realized there is a need for online advertising online. There are a lot of businesses out there that don’t really know how to reach the younger audience and that is where I and my agency come in. We help these companies reach the younger generation with targeted ads. I also DJ and produce music as well. Music has always been a big part of my life since I was a little kid. I grew up listening to all genres since my parents loved playing music for me and my sisters.
Tell us how you created this brand and what was the sole idea behind it.
Since I was a little boy my parents would always tell me I was special and not like other kids. Especially my Mother, every day she would tell me I am special and that I am not like the other kids. She told me when I grow up I will be successful at whatever I do and that I will be a musician. When I was a kid everything came easy to me. Adults would tell my mother whatever I touch or do I become successful at it. And it was true, the only reason why it was so was that my mother re-wired my brain since the age of 6 years old. She would tell me I can do whatever I want to do as long as I put my mind into it. Soon you actually start believing what your mom tells you and that is what happens to me. I would become obsessed with things and just practice, practice until I became good at it. I was good at playing football as a kid and was offered scholarships from big Universities at the age of 18. When I quit playing football I wanted to find a new passion. That is when I founded my online advertising agency because I noticed businesses today have no idea on how to reach the younger generation and to be honest most businesses does not know how to use social media doing targeted ads. So I did this market research and noticed all this then I just took the step to start my agency. My family is full of entrepreneurs that own successful businesses so of course I got inspired and started my own business. I talked with family members on how to run a successful company and got some good tips that I was able to use.
Go in detail and tell us about how your brand works.
My agency, we help businesses generating more leads using Facebook, Instagram, Google ads. These ads are targeted ads towards a specific age group, interest, where they live depending on the needs of the company we help have. We strive to give targeted and qualified leads to our clients, we want to see our clients getting more leads and being able to get the costumes they want.
Explain the challenges you went through while you were working on brand creation. What are the challenges you go through on an everyday basis?
The challenges I go through does not really have to do with my business. I came into this so prepared and I got clients within a couple of days when I started y agency however the challenges I go through is definitely friends that don’t understand that you are running a business. They want to hang out all the time, they want to party all the time even though they know you have a business to run. Even though you tell them that you can’t see them for a week or two they will still try to get you to just forget about your company and join them. I struggle with that daily. When you have a business, that is your baby. You can’t just leave for a couple of days, you have clients that you have to communicate with you need to know the online advertising analytics. It is a lot of important stuff you need to pay attention to when you have your business.
Tell us your future vision about the brand. How far do you want to take it? What is your dream about taking it to the next level?
My vision for my agency is to see it grow into more than just an online advertising agency I want to grow it into a movement! A 360 media business that signs athletes, musicians and helps them get a brand deal with businesses and eventually build my own media headquarter. I also want my media company to produce commercials and films. My agency is already in talks with big brands in regards to filming some commercials for them and I personally have been asked to be the face of big apps. This is my number one goal right now when it comes to my company. This takes time though, this is not something that will happen within 1 year, it takes time but I believe in myself that in the near future all this will come into fruition. I also would like for my company to throw fundraising events to raise money for cancer sick children.

What message would you like to give to anybody who has a plan of creating something of their own and making a living through it?
Just do it. Stop thinking and just do it. Stop doing what your parents want you to do or society, stop following the norm. Do what you want to do. Spend days thinking about what you want do in life. What is your passion? What do you want to achieve in life? And just go and execute that. Set up goals and reach all the goals you set up. Read books, and interviews on how other people have made it in your niche you want to succeed in and get inspired by their stories. Think about it, what are the chances of actually becoming a human being? Like one in a billion? You won the lottery, you are here on this planet and there is a reason why you are here. Find out what your purpose is. Is your purpose going to be you be the best real estate agent? Being a Pro footballer? Entrepreneur? You have to find the reason why you are here on this earth.
What are your 4 keys to start a successful business?
1. Clear Business Plan
Create a clear business plan when you start your company. Break down all the numbers of where the money is coming in and out so you know how much money you need to start your company. The best way to do this is by knowing the entire target market wants, needs, and dislikes and using the cognitive biases to back why your target customers would be willing to buy your products and services. I like to say, when it makes “sense”, it makes dollars.
2. Keep It Simple Stupid.
Don’t over complicate everything. Don’t take months to come up with a name. Also, I feel like too many people get way to fancy on their start-up by wanting to have everything and do everything and end-up spreading themselves to thin and actually not being able to execute on anything. Nobody will buy your companies’ products if they can’t comprehend what you actually can provide them expert value with. One of the fundamentals laws of branding is to grab attention and notoriety for one niche and until you dominate that industry, don’t try to run both. This also gives you the luxury of creating novelty, which creates more awareness, relevancy, and desire for your companies’ products.
3. Speed is key.
Launch your product/company as soon as possible. Get prototypes or beta versions out and running to a select amount of individuals. If you wait and procrastinate til’ the right time to curate and distribute the perfect product, your subconscious mind will tell yourself it’s not that important and you will start to prioritize the wrong things which will slow down the time of your launch. It doesn’t matter if your product is not completely perfect and the best of the best when you push it out to the market. By getting it out there fast, it gives you more time to adjust to what exactly the market wants. Most of my businesses are a completely different business model then when I originally planned it because I had to adjust to the market and adjust to my target customers values, wants and needs allowing me to quickly tweak my projects time after time until they reached ideal perfection, that’s when I’m able to go all-in and push my product out to the market on a mass scale.
4. Test, Test, Test.
Test everything. If you want to drive the maximum amount of traffic and conversion to your business you need to “always be testing”. Don’t get complacent with your current methods of operations when it comes to advertising, customer acquisition, customer satisfaction, or customer retention. Always test and track results to see what works best & what doesn’t work as well. This will give your start-up a higher likelihood of longevity and increased revenue. It allows you to cut out the processes that do not work and double down on the ones that do. With a fast-paced growing economy and trendy market like we have today, it’s important to stay on top of your game so you can catch and ride the next trend to revolutionize your business.
Follow Alexander Valentine on Instagram: Officialiconic1