Spring is my favorite time of year.
It’s about renewal and awakening and light. And it reminds me of hope and anticipation and of dreams coming true. I love hearing the birds singing, seeing the flowers blooming and the sun filling the sky with warmth.
It reminds me of triumph and celebration and victory. It brings forward joy and a sense of optimism that sometimes gets lost in the darkness of winter.
But it’s more than that too. . .
It’s birth and newness. Openness and inspiration. Magic and desire. Reward and aspiration. Belief and faith and promise.
Spring reminds me that everything will rise again; that the cycle of life cannot be broken. That to everything there is an ebb and a flow. Wondrous and bright and awe-inspiring. It reminds me to see the wonder, to see the awesomeness that surrounds me daily. It reminds to seek — and to be — truth and love. Even when the way seems dark and lonely and painful.
And honestly, the past few months have been raw and emotional for me. I’ve been questioning everything.
I’ve been questioning how far I’ve come — in awe of the massive momentum I’ve created in just a few short years and at the same time, feeling like I’ve barely moved an inch. So, I’m questioning it all. And recently, I felt like “I’m just so done. I give up.” My resolve and my resilience are gone.
And the part that shocked me most was that I actually meant it.
I came thisclose to deleting my Facebook account, my websites. Everything.
But instead of doing that, I stopped. I tuned in even deeper to my heart and soul. I slowed down and asked for guidance. And I had a good, soul cleansing cry.
What came of it was this:
Big changes are coming. I can feel them emerging. Not all of them are formable in words yet — they’re just below the surface, kinda murky and shadowy and not quite visible.
I’m allowing them to form of their own accord and I know they will fully rise at just the right time — when I am ready to expand into them and receive them wholeheartedly.
There is no forcing or pushing or rushing and that’s the key.
When you allow yourself to slow down into truth and love, everything else speeds up.
The parts that I do know for sure at this point, feel like they’re one size too big for me. ? And probably for the first time ever, I’m totally happy with that. It’s no longer a scary, overwhelming thing to hold these visions and dreams.
I simply trust that I will grow into them as they come alive within me and I bring them forward into the world.
See, I’m an observer and I rarely miss anything. I often notice things that everyone else is totally unaware of. Details are easy for me. The big picture is also easy for me.
So what happens is that I’m looking at the details and looking at the big picture and thinking “how the fuck am I gonna pull THIS off?”
It used to derail me and keep me stuck in a place of fear, uncertainty, doubt and dread.
And in the past few years, I’ve come to know that I don’t have to lean into that question (and neither do you). ❤️ It’s simply not mine to answer.
Being in the flow of life means following the nudges and allowing them to unfold magically as you take each step fully trusting that the way will appear before you.
Because the truth is that your inner wisdom is never wrong. It’s never fearful. It’s never anything but truth and love. And if you follow it, magic happens.
When you receive an insight, don’t wait. You must ACT on the whispers you receive. Waiting is an act of playing small and being in fear. There is nothing to fear when you trust your intuition.
And because that’s true, I can lean into the big changes and open myself up as they expand into what they really want to become.
Over the past few years, I’ve developed tools and practices and systems that work alongside my inner guidance. This has allowed me to create massive forward momentum in spite of the extensive losses I experienced a few short years ago.
The more I lean into the big changes that I feel coming, the more I understand just how crucial these tools and practices and systems are to share with the world.
One of the zones of genius I’ve walked headlong into this year is my ability to help others, especially spiritual women entrepreneurs, take their spirituality + their life + their biz and find where they intersect with their purpose and mission on this planet.
And then. . . share the tools and systems and practices with them to create a roadmap that will get them where they really want to go.
In the past few weeks, I’ve leaned into the nudge to create a new direction — a more bold, open and powerful — direction for both my coaching services and One Generation Peace Project. One that will allow my own spiritual foundation to become the forefront — because it’s something I am no longer willing to hide behind.
And as I pioneer this new way forward in my own life and business, I’d like to help a small handful of visionary leaders do the same.
We’ll use the same processes I created for the Quantum Momentum Mastermind back in August of 2015. And we’re going to create a Legacy. YOUR legacy.
This is not your average program, though. Because I am not your average coach. It’s a revolutionary program that will weave together spirituality + life + business in a way that not many are aware of and even fewer actually practice.
Not because it isn’t tried and true (it is). Not because it doesn’t work (it does). But because we’re so conditioned otherwise that most of the world can’t comprehend the full power of truth.
My aim is to change that.
Listen — the pieces of your life (spirituality + life + biz) were not meant be separate. They were meant to be woven into the fabric that illuminates the deepest desires within you as a whole, cohesive flow and lights the way forward, not just for you, but for those you serve.
You’re here to make an impact and I’m here to help you tune into your heart and soul so that you can change the world.
I have space for a handful of leaders and visionaries in The Badass Trailblazer and I’d love for you to be one of them. This new model begins in April and by joining now, you can get in on the Founders level.
If you’re interested in learning more, follow the link below and setup a conversation with me today.
I look forward to this journey with you. ❤
xo ~Annie
Ready for the next step?
If you’re ready to embody your message and your mission on this planet, I’d love to speak with you. Fill out the application on my website and I’ll be in touch to setup a conversation. https://annieanderson.com/new-application/
Originally published at medium.com