When I starred as a Master Teacher in The Secret documentary film back in 2006, things like manifestation and the Law of Attraction were still relatively niche topics. Even though the movie went on to be watched by millions of people, it was still far from being a mainstream concept. Fast forward to today and, at last count, there are over 182 million results for ‘Law of Attraction’ on Google. From manifesting influencers on TikTok to the hundreds of thousands of YouTube tutorials, it seems no one can escape its appeal. And let’s face it, in a time where things have never felt more uncertain, the idea that you have the power to create your own reality is certainly a compelling one.

But is it too good to be true? Its detractors might ask whether, really, it’s possible to manifest a yacht, a mansion, anything you want, seemingly just through the act of wanting it bad enough… If that was the case, wouldn’t every square inch of the Pacific Ocean be packed, bow to stern, with luxury sailboats? To that, I always like to say that you can’t get ‘attraction’ without ‘action!’

When you have an idea or goal in mind that you want to make happen, you still have to be putting in the work to make it a reality. Whether it’s setting up meetings, learning a new skill, or even just saying ‘yes!’ to the opportunities that come your way, you still have to set the wheels in motion, but the Law of Attraction gives you the assurance that the Universe will meet you halfway. Manifesting your goals is always quicker and more effective when the Universe can see that you’re aligning yourself with your vision and that you’re making the necessary adjustments in your life to make room for what you want to receive.

In addition to putting in the practical work, there are also lots of other types of metaphysical tools that you can use, most of which are fairly well known in the self-help community. Things like reciting positive affirmations, visualization, and practicing daily gratitude are some of the more common exercises offered up and are all undoubtedly important to have in your manifestation ‘toolkit.’ But what if I were to tell you that there was a whole world of incredibly powerful tools at your disposal that often go ignored by mainstream self-help teachers?

Your Three Types of Luck

To help put this into context, there is the principle in Diamond Feng Shui (my own personal school of Feng Shui) that there are three different types of ‘luck’: Heaven Luck, Human Luck, and Earth Luck. In other words, there are three different, yet equally important, factors that make up your manifesting ability.

Your Heaven Luck refers to the life circumstances you were born into. These can be things like your biological family, your culture, and your physical and mental abilities. While you can alter your Heaven Luck (for example, you can have gender-affirming surgery or emigrate to a different country), it tends to be the more ‘fixed’ of the three different types of luck. Some view Heaven Luck as a person’s destiny, fate, or the path that God has chosen for them.

Human Luck, if you have any experience in self-help, is probably the most well known of the three! It refers to your attitude, mindset, and the conscious choices you make every day that affect your life. It’s the notion that ‘thoughts become things’ and that by altering the way we think and perceive things, we can actually alter our reality. The tools I mentioned previously, such as positive affirmations and gratitude, fall under the umbrella of Human Luck and while they’re undoubtedly important tools to use, they all require a lot of time, practice, and discipline. You can’t just say an affirmation one time in front of the mirror and reap all the benefits; it’s something that you have to be doing each and every day to have any real effect. Even just trying to maintain a positive attitude requires constant mental discipline – if you’re having a bad day, it can seem like the hardest thing in the world to force yourself to look on the bright side!

So while I like to think of Human Luck as the ‘active’ side of manifestation, Earth Luck refers to the more ‘passive’ side. Earth Luck focuses on the role of your environment (your home and workspace) and the ways in which you can change it in order to increase the positive, abundance-attracting energy around you. Since each of the three types of luck contribute equally to your manifesting ability, Earth Luck is just as effective as Heaven Luck but requires far less time and effort.

At this point you might be wondering, ‘How is changing my home going to have any impact on me when it comes to, for example, attracting my dream job?’ If so, think of it like this: Your home has an energy flow, and the things you display in it act as a sort of blueprint to the Universe for what you want to attract. Just like how you stick images on a sheet of paper to create a two-dimensional vision board, Earth Luck expands that into a living, breathing, three-dimensional vision board. The changes and activations you make to your home and office have the ability to create a ripple effect that can generate real change for you, your family, your community, and even the world around you.

This can be a tricky concept to understand, and it’s why I think of it as the ‘missing link’ of manifestation. It’s why I often hear from people that, even though they’re trying their absolute hardest to visualize their goals and transform their attitude, they’re still not getting the results they want. Remember, your attitude and mindset only account for a third of your manifesting potential, so no matter how hard you try, it’ll only ever add up to 33 percent of the full picture. Even if you visualize your goals perfectly, if you’re not taking into consideration the impact of your environment, that blueprint to the Universe, at best it’ll take much longer to manifest your goals and the impact will be much weaker, and, at worst, your home can be actively attracting the complete opposite for you!

It doesn’t have to be that way, though, and I’m here to show you how you can rediscover the missing link of manifestation. Throughout the pages of this book, I’ll guide you through the tools you’ll need to increase your Earth Luck and activate your three-dimensional vision board. In doing so, you’ll find that you’re able to manifest your dream life far quicker and more powerfully than you could ever have imagined!

Excerpted from Your Home Is a Vision Board: Harness the Secret Manifesting Power of Your Home – Hay House UK (October 15, 2024)


  • Marie Diamond is a world‐renowned Master Teacher of Feng Shui and the Law of Attraction, a multi-time global best-selling author, and the star of the major network TV series “Feng Shui Your Life”. Marie has also starred in the global phenomenon “The Secret” and has been featured in more than 10 different documentaries.  Marie has taught more than two million students over the last 30 years and has spoken in more than 30 different countries. She is a personal, business, and spiritual mentor and consultant to A-list celebrities in the film and music industry and to top entrepreneurs worldwide. In 2024, she was officially inducted into the Speaker’s Hall of Fame, and for her humanitarian work, she is a knighted Dame. See more at www.mariediamond.com