To every woman who has been ostracized because they are divorced be encouraged today by this truth, yes God doesn’t like divorce but YOU ARE NOT CONDEMNED because you are.!!!!
It is NOT the unpardonable sin some make it to be, it’s not the unpardonable sin that some make you feel worthless and invaluable. Most if not every toxic group whether it be religious or worldly are guilty of making women feel like a 2nd class person because they are divorced.
Having being mentally abused in the church and come out of it by the grace of God it really annoys me when in 2020 I still hear that divorced women are still stigmatized.
I feel very strongly about this because I’m sick & tired of how women are viewed mostly by some groups just because they are divorced I hope someone is freed with this truth that you haven’t committed the unpardonable sin.
Divorce is NOT the unpardonable sin. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the unpardonable.
Too many women have left the church wounded, bruised and emotionally damaged just because of this virus floating about.
Being divorced doesn’t mean God who created you cant use you and who is it that counsels God on who He can and cannot use, none can!
Let that truth, that unchangeable truth sink in, its important that it sinks in and sinks in deep!!
Way too many women have lost friends, family members,colleagues just because they decided to get a divorce & they are looked down on especially in the church a place that should be a place of refuge.
It shouldn’t be so!!
Headsup, chinup, standtall.
Ignore every pharasiee every saducee, every herodite of today when they come with their religious daggers that help NO ONE.!!
I have written about my experience of worthlessness in the church, mental abuse and unnecessary lording over.
There is no argument on this but I’d like to know your thoughts.
And if you feel you want to talk setup a free chit chat via my site please feel free to get in touch.
Sade Popoola is an Actress. Author. Inspirational Speaker. Activist.