Success is a word used for just about everything. Success in life, in love, in business, in education, in careers . . . and the list goes on.
I decided to look at the word success as a label, given by society, parents, family, friends, and colleagues. The measurement of success should be our own. In other words, we have to own it. If we are happy with what we do, it’s a success. If we are healthy, it’s a success. If we make ends meet in this drab economy, it’s a success. Well, even if we find parking in a super busy mall parking lot, it’s a success.
So, I learned to measure my successes in small doses, and guess what? I feel pretty successful. Nobody can rain on my parade; nobody can tell me if I’m successful or not by their measurement of the word. It’s a word! That’s what it is.
Words are words. What you make of them is another story.
We like to take everything personally, because we were brought up this way, because we were trained to strive for something others have and we don’t. We measure everything by what someone else is doing or not doing. How about we stop for a moment and start pondering about life? When is good, good enough? When is a paycheck that pays the bills enough? Why are we in this frenzy of more, more, and more?
Keep thinking about this for a moment. You are a success, because you’re alive, here, now. The rest is the “sauce” of life. If you are happy with what and who you really are, you’re a success. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.
Don’t be a Grinch. So many people complain every single day of their lives: “Oh I don’t have enough money.” “Oh s/he said this or did that.” “Oh I’m fed up.” “Oh I wish things were different.”
S T O P.
If you’re in this self-pity game, you will receive only negativity and more problems. The more you FEEL and think and talk about your problems, your misery, your inadequacy, your this and your that, the more likely the universe will give you a truckload of just that. WHY? Because you become the magnet of summoning EVERYTHING that you think and spend your energy on.
So, believe and FEEL that you’re a success; feel that sentiment of gratitude for your loved ones, for the roof over your head, for the life that YOU have chosen to live. NOBODY tells you what decisions to make in life-NOBODY but YOU is responsible for your actions, your thoughts, your decisions, and your feelings.
Cheer up! We have A LOT to be thankful for, and YES, we’re all a success, in a small or big way. It just depends on how we look at it.
Turn the lights on in your heart and mind, and KEEP THEM ON!
Originally published at risk-squad.com