Do you have a change you’re struggling to actualise in your life?
Or are you facing a challenge you’re struggling to adapt to?
While it’s good to have aspirations for change, what many overlook is the role our inner psychology — our mindsets — play in making change possible. Unless we are open to shifting our mindsets, our change efforts are unlikely to be successful.
What’s a mindset?
“Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions, your actions become your habits, your habits become your values, your values become your destiny.” — Mahatma Gandhi
Mindsets can be simply understood as our deeply held beliefs and attitudes. They are ever-present qualities of our mind that influence our behaviours and actions.
What many don’t realise is that to create change in the outer aspects of our lives, for example; do more exercise or spend more quality time with friends — requires us to also mirror those changes within our inner lives — in our mindsets.
There needs to be a partnership of change — inside and out — if we want our aspirations for change to thrive.
While this may sound straight forward, it’s not as easy as it seems, because mindsets have a self-protective quality — an immunity to change.
Creating change — inside and out
“Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.” ― Steve Maraboli
What does this ‘immunity to change’ mean for you and your change making aspirations?
In addition to living the change, regularly put aside time to mindfully reflect on how your beliefs and attitudes must also change.
For example, do you have any limiting beliefs or attitudes that could be holding you back? Perhaps you subconsciously have a fear of failure, or feel like you’re not very good at learning new things? Exploring and re-authoring limiting beliefs like this is an integral part of making change possible.
What’s the best way to do these reflective practices?
You can do this reflective work in a written journal, while walking in nature or by talking about it with friends. There are also great references such as Immunity to Change to support you with this work. There are no silver bullets — the key thing is you remain open to discovering how your mindset could be limiting your potential to adapt and become the change
This work is best done with others who are also trying to make changes in their lives, so you can share your experiences. Reflecting on your mindset is vulnerable work, and it’s wise and valuable to have the support of a caring community.
Get this partnership of change right — inside and out — and you will be on track to unlock your change making potential.
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Ash is a designer and co-contributor whose passions span the areas of wellbeing, leadership and regenerative sustainability. His work is informed by a love for the natural world and a yearning for bringing people closer together. He is the founder of Cohere, a social and environmental innovation agency and an associate of the Thrive Research Hub at the University of Melbourne. His research on the Benefit Mindset is in press at the International Journal of Wellbeing.
Originally published at