In the wake of a heated Democratic Primary comes one candidate that stands for a model of society that, in its purest form, really speaks to the community aspect of life. If you take man-made, big government out of it and simply look at it like The Tale Of Two Cows where one person has two cows and gives one to their neighbor, then we have a model for society.

The question is, “are we failing?” Do we live up to the standard that the whole of society is more important than the individual? Or are we still a drastically individualistic society that borders on the self-absorbed? Movements in today’s political sector may seem contrite to the one who favors capitalism, but can we find balance?

Our society needs people interacting with people. Our digital age has changed how that has happened, but instead of being real, we are hiding behind Photoshopped pictures and unrealistic selfies. Fun as it may seem, how do we form a community in a largely digital world.

One question we must ask ourselves is, “must we meet face-to-face to be a real community?” My resounding answer is NO! Connections happen online all the time. Models are beginning to show their true colors in cosmetic lines. Suicidal people are finding solace in the virtual hug of a stranger.

Furthermore, community must evolve into something bigger than just a group of like-minded people to truly succeed. Having difficult conversations while respecting the world views and opinions of others equally is essential to a healthy community. Where can we find such a place?

Share your stories of how community is successfully happening in your world. Let’s inspire each other to reach out and connect in the real world as well as online. After all, your next face-to-face meeting may just be on FaceTime!