Over the past decade, we have seen some pretty fascinating Ted Talks on a wide range of topics. These presentations can range from heartwarming to heartbreaking, some motivational and all very inspiring. Ted Talks have discussed everything from finance to parenting and illness, but one of the topics that consistently has brilliant presentations is Investing. Below, we will look at some of the best investing TED Talks, as featured in an article on The Money SnowBall.
“Saving for Tomorrow, Tomorrow” – Shlomo Benartzi
In order to invest correctly, you need to save correctly. The thing about investing that everyone hates is that you must put playtime off to reap the benefits later. However, many people are not very good at this. People like to live in the moment and hate thinking of 5, 10, 20 years from now. Especially when it comes to money, no one is happy to wait an extended period of time before seeing happy results. Many people enjoy the thought and dreams but are not always immediately willing to take steps to achieve them. It is important to know how we think today is very different from how we believe in the future. Shlomo details all of this in his presentation and even provides examples of the different ways we do this and how we can change it.
“Could your language affect your ability to save money?” – Keith Chen.
This presentation is interesting because it touches on a more prominent topic than the American way of thinking. According to Keith, Americans have the lowest savings rate throughout the entire world. Growing up in a Chinese family and then experiencing American culture, Keith concluded that language could affect the way we think about our future selves. He recommends people start bringing their future self into the present and operate with that concept in mind.
“How I learned to read – and trade stocks – in Prison” – Curtis “Wall Street” Carroll
This might be the most inspiring presentation on our list. Curtis explains to viewers how he managed to learn how to trade despite the adversity and lack of privilege he faced while behind bars. Not everyone can invest, and it should never be taken for granted.