About 6 years ago, a young man once lived in one of Nigeria’s underdeveloped rural areas. Being raised in a Christian home, he loves God and humanity. He had always been passionate about words. He likes to encourage people with his words, either in text or in words of mouth. That had been his only way of lifting himself out of depression, fear and anxiety too.

In a bid to reach out to more people with his powerful words of encouragement, this young man set out to a ‘social media encourager,’ writing inspiring and encouraging text across his social media handles. One evening, the young man had an overwhelming desire in his heart that his writing will touch nations of the world, even when he knew it could only touch nations of WhatsApp and Facebook. Still, he did not ignore that nudge. Today, it is happening. That young man is me. I am Abaire Olawale, a ghost-writer and content developer. I have ghost-written over 50 nonfiction books within two years, with copyright protection for different clients in Nigeria, the USA, and some parts of Europe.  I used to be a remote content writer for QWERTY SOFTWARE, a digital marketing agency based in Kyiv, Ukraine.

You see, God gives direction to an active man who is passionate about other people’s life. Your best life is lived by what you make possible for others through your knowledge. I believe strongly in my heart that writing is a part of you seeking expression. I know you desire to express knowledge in a very transformative way. I know you want to impact lives through words. Those are not mere desires, but God’s deposit in you welling up for expression as a fountain of blessing to the world around you. However, God’s deposit in you will not move beyond your circles of friends and family if you do not give it wings to fly. What do I mean?


Undoubtedly, I believe you now know that one of God’s deposits in you is the ability to communicate deep knowledge through writing. This deposit is like a treasure buried, which you need to dig it out. Hence, the need for mastery of your writing skills. God had given you the gift. What you do with it is up to you.

Listen to this. God’s gift can change the world. He gave Jesus as a gift and Jesus turn the world around. But Jesus would have only do what he can within Jerusalem and that’s all. But Jesus knew that whatever God gives have both eternal and universal relevance. And today, we can say Jesus is a gift to the world. You are a gift to the world. However, being a gift to the world depends on how much you have explored yourself in unleashing the treasure in you. How have you mastered God’s deposit in you?

  • Seek Knowledge

Know what you need to know of what you have not known. A seeker of knowledge is humble to learn even from an ant. You can never find a wise man who is not humble. But you can always find a proud person who thinks he is wise. There are three ways you seek knowledge. They are:

Reading BooksRead everything good, right, humane, essential, inspiring and informative. Read to know. Read books to learn. Read books to use. Books are ways to get knowledge from the wise and add it to your archive. Books expose you to what you need to know. Read until your brain sweat. A book per month will do you no harm.

Experience- In everything you are going through now, there is something to learn out of it. Look at yourself and see what you need to learn from the experiences that will bring you into a higher level of knowledge. Suppose you believe every letter in the bible had a significant. In that case, you should believe every occurrence in your life has a significant. Open your mind to know what message this experience is passing to you.

Nature- Nature speaks knowledge every day. Create time to observe nature and let its voice speak to you. The sky, the sea, the rain, animals, flowers and the beauty of nature communicate knowledge in its depth. Do not ignore them.

  • Build Relationships

Another way to master God’s deposit in you is to relate with people with the same similarity as yours. Let birds of the same feather fly together. Establish trust with writers you see as mentors and keep friends with writers who are graced with a writing genre you would like to learn.

  • Practice

Practice is to make our mind strong and sharp. It forges the brain into the most powerful tool in the universe that can make anything possible. You cannot bring transformation with your skills without constantly working with it. The 10,000 hours rule is what makes a master. How you use your time is now up to you.

What you pay attention to in your life grows bigger. If you want to become a successful writer, become an answer to people’s questions. Bury yourself in knowledge like a seed planted and come out to deliver fresh and healthy fruits. Do not offer your readers hard seeds you were supposed to plant. It is disastrous. Be a go-to writer with solutions and stop spitting out venom to your reader.

© 2020 Abaire Olawale

Photo By: https://unsplash.com/@andyadcon