I think by the time this is COVID-19 crisis is over, we will be far more sensitive to how we treat the people around us. We will be far more aware of how connected we are, and the importance of keeping all parts of the network strong and healthy. Some very evolved souls knew this before the crisis, and have been actively engaged in lifting others. Hopefully now, many more people will become aware of the need to do things very differently from now on. Our thoughts and intentions toward others are a very real thing. We are either spreading good viruses or the kind that will actually kill us. Let’s focus on killing this virus with kindness, caring and concern for others, because the whole point of these wake-up calls is for us to realize how connected we are.
Upgrading Our Connection Network
For the last year I’ve been talking about our growing ego, and how it completely defines our reality. The ego is the main character in this movie we call life, that’s constantly pushing us to develop. Look how far we’ve come from that prototype that lived in a cave, and how many stages of development we had to go through to get to our current format. All these are expressions of the egoistic force — human nature, that exists in all of us.
Today we’re living in a technological era that is showing us the end of this egoistic path we’ve been on. How do I know this? If you take a look around at our world nowadays, it’s not a pretty picture.
Up until now we had where to develop further, and we could still maintain social order based on simple calculations of profitability. There were things we wanted to develop, to divide, and every individual had a way to make a profit. Suddenly our greedy and selfish behavior is eating away at the very foundation of our society, causing these crises at all levels of the system.
What do I mean by system? We have caused irreversible damage to our planet. Plants and animals have lost their natural existence, and humans keep advancing their agenda regardless. But nature has reached the breaking point, and that’s what we’re currently experiencing with this COVID-19 pandemic.
Clearly something has to give, but there is no clear direction.
Transition periods are complicated and not easy to digest, especially when it comes to implementing something new. We are quite set in our ways but now the universe is forcing us to recognize the new conditions. We will need to make some adjustments.
We are at the end of the era of the individual, and are now entering a global, general era. Meaning that our current method is not enough to sustain us at a good level of existence, and there is not yet something to replace it.
Therefore periods like this are typically characterized by the rotting of the current method, and these are very high-stress periods. At the same time, there is a yearning to break through to something new, but we don’t have the ability to do that yet. This is similar to a state of birth, where the fetus is moving through the womb in an optimal manner, with warmth, food and everything it needs for its development. When it comes time to give birth there is mutual pressure of the fetus and the womb on one another. So on the one hand we have a dramatic state of pain and pressure, and on the other hand — something new is being born, a new life.
The same applies to our current situation. If up until now developing according to our egoistic urges was enough for us, all the signs now indicate that nature wants us to make a change.
The Rules of the Game Are Changing
This has to do with building a new and healthier network of connection. The pressure being applied to us from the coronavirus, and all other crises, are showing us very clearly how interdependent we are. At the same time we can’t get on board with this because we are so distant from one another. This contrast is felt to various degrees by each individual. Some feel the disconnect at work, others in their marriage, another with their neighbor, and for someone else it has to do with their relatives or kids, and the list goes on.
Making Our World Sustainable
Now is the time to be brave, and grateful for this opportunity to change our ways. Let’s start by acquiring knowledge about the integral system of nature that we are part of. This will allow us to start building a foundation for a new life that is based on the principle of reciprocity, and encompassing all parts of nature. Then we will have everything we need to counterbalance the negative elements of the growing human ego, with positive human connection.
Nature Is The Example
1. Nature is a closed system.
2. In nature there are clear laws.
3. Nature works in harmony.
4. In nature the balance depends on the person.
5. The laws of nature apply to all parts of the system (earth, plants, animals, humans)
6. The interdependence of humans is the highest part of the system, influencing all other layers beneath it.
7. Nature advances us by positive/reciprocal forces and negative/ego forces.