The scariest 3 words you’ll ever hear: You Have Cancer. Suddenly, there’s a ticking clock. But in order to be in the No-Mistake Zone, it’s imperative that you take a beat, do your research, and enlist support.

And that’s what this story is about.

In May 2014, at the age of 34, Beth Fairchild was diagnosed with stage IV metastatic breast cancer and was told she had about two years to live. But Beth has defied the odds, and in the process she’s become an advocate for metastatic cancer patients worldwide.

About 1 in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer in their lifetimes — maybe even you, or someone you love. But there are many different types of breast cancer, and even more treatment options. If you were diagnosed, would you know the right decisions to make?

Beth read everything she could about her disease and made treatment decisions based on her research and personal values. Her courage, honesty and humor are so inspiring, we believe her story has tremendous value for anyone who’s struggling with a new diagnosis, managing life after cancer, or caring for someone who is sick.

In part 1 of this special 2-part episode, Beth shares what it’s like to completely reassess your life, the time her husband fought for her when she was unable to advocate for herself, how she told her two daughters about her illness, and the periodic cancer scans that define the lives of survivors.

We hope you’ll enjoy this very special, empowering episode of The No-Mistake Zone, and share it with your friends and loved ones.

For more information and resources on Breast Cancer, head over to 
The Patient’s Playbook.

Show Credits

  • Music is from PremiumBeat
  • Special thanks this week to Susan Forbes
  • The No-Mistake Zone with Leslie Michelson is produced by Lisa Sweetingham. Post-Production is by Shelli Gonshorowski and Sarah Lebowitz.

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