Sometimes I like using buzzwords. Especially if they relate to a new concept or idea. This summer alone, I’ve learned about web inspectors, stacks, caches,and other tech sounding things. I sit near the web administrator at work, and I occassionally hear him speaking his language and sometimes I’m moved to speak it too. Google scrum master and welcome to my world.
One buzzword, not related to tech, that I use and I am proud of is the word intentional. I’ve found in this season of my life that I am working toward leading a more intentional life. For me, being intentional means I need to take a look at my priorities, my career, my relationships, my writing, my parenting, and my time spent with God.
I started becoming more intentional this summer by taking one quick look at the numbers in my life.
To whom then will you compare Me, or who is My equal?’ says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes on high, and behold, who has created these things, who brings out their host number.
Isaiah 40:25
12 – the current number of tabs I have open in Google Chrome. Cheryl and I banter about this one all the time. It’s very easy to open many tabs as your working, but it can also be busy and distracting. Having 8 tabs open is my optimal number, but 12 is actually more of the reality. If I see more than 12, my chest starts tightening and my head starts hurting. Not to mention, if I slowly approach 20, my computer moves slower.
6 – the average number of teenagers who have been in and out of my house and my car over the past four weekends. One thing I appreciate about this season of parenting is the communty of friends my kids have. One thing that I don’t appreciate about the season of parenting is the community of friends my kids have. School friends, church friends, neighborhood friends (who are really school friends but it takes on new meaning when school is not in session) are either in my car or my house. I’ve learned how to take naps wth my bedroom door open and roars of laughter and singing coming from the living room.
45 – the number of years in my miraculous life. I turned 45 this year. At this point, I’m seeing the deaths of people who are my age. I am blessed. My family is blessed. And as long as I am still here, there’s work that needs to be done. The opportunity to do that work is a blessing.
15 – the number of people that entered my life this year and have made it better; despite me saying “I don’t need anymore friends.” There’s a church story. There’s a dreaded 2016 story, and there’s a baptism story. The bottom line is that these people have made my life so much better and I am ever so thankful they are in my life.
1808 – the street number to the church that has been the grounding force of love, acceptance, and biblical teaching for me and the kids. I learned this year that I can’t do it all by myself, and this place reminds me constantly that I am here to do life with others.
0 – the number of new clients I took on in the first have of this year for my consulting/ freelance writing business. Was it proiftable? No. Was it necessary? Most definitely. I refined what I do and who I am and I revisited my worth. I took that needed time to get great business clarity.
3 – the minimal number of items I’m thankful for each morning. I think I’ve mentioned my prayer partner on the blog before, and one of the things we do each day is to name three things we’re thankful for. Sometimes the things are silly, sometimes they are deep and profound. Sometimes we are so sad or tired or frustrated that the other one has to step in to name the three things. No matter how bad life gets, we should always, always be thankful – and be intentional about doing so.
22 – the number years I’ve been a Texan. To think that almost changed a few months ago is s scary..really scary. My tagline for life is that I’m a native Chicagoan, a transplanted Texan, and a heartfelt Mississippian. While I thought I was leaving Texas to go to Mississippi (and Mississippi is amazing), I’m glad I’m still here. And I’m even more glad that the six months here encouraged my fearless pursuit of Christ.
So, tell me…what are the current numbers in your life?
Originally published at