Now that we’re a few weeks into 2019, I’m curious to know, are you doing a new diet, detox or quiting the sugar to help kickstart a new healthy you?
One reason I want to know this is, if you are trying to make changes with your food, what is your reason for doing so? Festive binges? Bloating from the over-consumption? New years resolutions? Fed up of feeling tired? Simply wanting to feel healthy?
As I question your intentions for making changes with your nutrition, there is something on my mind as I think about all of the different diets and detoxes…
I have spoken to many women about trying to be healthy and one thing that always pops up is how to stop binging on sugary foods.
It makes me incredibly sad to hear that so many of these women fear food and have lost the simple pleasure of eating food to a) feel healthy, b) enjoy, c) fuel the body, and d) to THRIVE…
Why are you fearing food?
With periods of trying diets, following a plan, hiring a personal trainer, being a tired mum, making a new year’s resolution, forcing yourself to restrict calories…
What is making you binge on sugary food?
There are many reasons as to why you might be binging on sugary food, but for the sake of keeping this article short-ish I am focusing on one reason.
So what is the ONE reason why you’re binging on sugary foods…
#1 I’m Not Satisfied
Trying diet after diet with more restriction and deprivation leads to more dissatisfaction in the body.
Feeling this way will break the confidence of ANY woman. There’s no surprise that you binge on sugary foods when your body feels depleted. Your brain and body need fuel, they need calories, they need nutrients.

Your body is crying out for healthy food to help it fuel properly.
Doing too much every day as a mum, running around doing the housework, cleaning up after the kids, feeding the children, trying to exercise, working, walking the dogs, and hopefully maybe having some special alone time with your partner…..yeah, you’re going to feel exhausted if your body isn’t fueled with healthy food.
When we feel dissatisfied with life aka ignoring our own needs we will search for fulfillment through other means, such as food. Food gives instant pleasure. And when we aren’t fueling our bodies with proper nutrition we will reach for foods that give that immediate pow, such as sugary fatty treats.
It becomes a vicious circle. The more dissatisfied we feel with life the more we reach for instant kicks of pleasure. And if it is through food we become addicted to it. Then our body becomes addicted to that particular food, and sugary treats such as biscuits and cakes will become a part of every day life, making it harder to break the habit.
It can be easy to forget about our own needs whilst focusing on others needs. Of course it isn’t a bad thing seeing to our loved one’s needs, but where has the focus gone for your own needs too…
Have you stopped doing things in your life that fulfill you?
It doesn’t have to be that way. You can do the things that you LOVE.
You can learn how to prioritise your needs.
You can shift your current habits with food.
You can eat food that makes you feel energised.
You can feel ALIVE.
You can become the woman you dream about.
You can TRANSFORM to be a healthy confident woman.
You can learn to have a fulfilling life.
You can THRIVE.
You can rid this fear and guilt with food.
You can reclaim the life you feel you have lost and get back to you feeling YOU.
You can eat healthy food that makes you feel juicy delicious on the inside out.
If you’re nodding your head to any of the above and feeling like I am speaking to you with your current situation then I want you to know you’re not alone and you can change this.
What is the next step…
- Tell yourself it is ok to want to prioritise your needs too.
- Do ONE thing this week that satisfies your heart.
- Put ONE thing in the calendar that you will do every week to add fulfillment to your life.
You deserve to feel amazing everyday. You deserve to nourish your body with wholesome food. You don’t need to binge on sugary foods to feel loved.
As we continue into this new year, start to give yourself permission to say YES to your life and thrive.